Chapter 3

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The next morning
Dani's POV

I roll over to see that the time 9:30 am, I decided to get out of bed and see the plans are today. But as I get a pit a wave of dizziness hit me and I sit back down.
Whoa is that a side effect of losing energy or what I say to my self.
I try to get again and as I do I'm lucky that the dizziness has Gone away so I walk downstairs and hear people in the kitchen so I walk towards the kitchen.

Hey Dani how did you sleep asks Lisa.

Fine what about you I ask.

Good she says.

So Lise where are the others I ask as she the only one in the kitchen.

Upstairs making potions I think she say handing me a cup of coffee.

Thanks I says as I taking a sip off coffee.

Oh and we got a message from Bob And Lily last night we talking to them later she says.

Okay I say want to go see what they are up to o say put my empty cup in the sink.

Sure she say.

We made are way up to the article hearing talking. Lisa opens the door as we walk in there was an explosion.

What's going on in here ask Lisa. It

We were making potions till Michael here dropped his pizza in Lauren say angrily. Causing it to explode like sally.

I'm sorry I was hungry and we had leftovers said Micheal. And who's sally he  asked.

No your wouldn't get it Lauren say. Dani your up how you feeling.

Fine I was only a little dizzy but other then that I'm fine I say.

Did Lisa tell that Bob and Lily is coming to talk to us ask Christina.

Yes but when - I try to say but get cut off by 2 figures appearing in the room.

Well look there here Lisa say sarcastically.

Hello cimorelli's say Bob. We are here to tell you that the demon that attracted last night is getting stronger and that it will come bait so for your safety we are sending you Pairs , here are your plan tickets and hotel address you will be staying at.

Why do we need plane tickets if I could teleport us there  Alex ask.

Because it you use your powers to get there they will be able to locate you much faster and we don't need that say Lily.

Ok then when's the flight Kath asks.

Tonight at 12:00 am says Bob.

Damn why so early ask Amy.

It all they had say Bob.

Ok but what's the hotel name I ask.

The name is hotel DeLune say Lily.

Ok then we should get paling say Lisa.

We will leave so you to do that say Lily. With that they left.

Do you think that have pizza and hummus in Paris ask Micheal.

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