Chapter 9

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Dani's POV
I woke up around 5:10 AM with the feeling that I'm going to throw up. So I jump out of bed and bolt to the bathroom I throw the lid up . As I start throwing up I feel someone rub my back and also holding my hair back. After 5 minutes of this I flush the toilet and wash my face and see that Chris was holding my hair back and Lauren was rubbing m back. Then I sit against the wall as Chris gives me a cup of water and Lauren sits next to me still rubbing my back.

I'm sorry I woke you guys up early I says as I take a sip of water.

Dani you don't have to be sorry your sick Chris says taking my hand as she starts rubbing the back of it .

Yeah dan your fine trust Lauren says kissing my head.

Well I'm going to try go back to bed I say standing up . As I stand up a wave dizziness hits me and I start falling. Chris catches me before I hit the floor.

Whoa easy there tiger let us help you she says. She helps me back to my bed and Lauren lays next to me. I snuggle closer to her and as I fall back asleep I hear Chris talking to someone over the phone. After a while I woke up again and saw that it was only 8:30 AM meaning I only got 3 more hours of sleep. I sit up and see that Lauren is still asleep and that Chris is also asleep. So I sit up and go on my phone letting them sleep. The the burning came up again. I jump out of bed and throw the toilet seat up and began throwing up again. I feel someone rubbing my back and holding my hair back again. After a few more minutes of this I sit up against the wall and see Chris fill up a cup of water and handing it to me as Lauren sits next to me again.

Dani maybe we should take you to the ER this is the 3rd time says Chris.

I'm fine plus we have Amy and Kath that studied nursing they can help I say.

Fine but if you get worse and Kath and Amy can't help I'm and taking you say Chris.

Okay I say. After a few minuets I hear a knock at the door and Chris and Lauren leaves to get it. I decided to go lay down so I place the cup on the counter and get up. But of course I get dizzy again. I start falling and I try to grab the counter but my head ends up hitting it and fall to the floor making a crash. I see all my sister run to the bathroom. Amy helps me up while Kath goes to her room to find the first aid kit she brought.

Dani are you okay may asks me as she clean the blood from my head.

Yeah it's like a wave a dizziness hit me I say .

While once we get you cleaned up I want you in bed all day Amy say as Kath walks in with first aid kit in hand. And Chris told me if you get worse she is taking you to the ER Amy say.

I know but I hate hospitals there names should be hospitalillian I say as Amy laugh grab an alcohol pad and super glue.

Okay dan this is going to hurt Amy say.

Wait can Lauren be in here I ask before she starts.

Of course dan let me get her Amy say leaving. A few second later she and Lauren comes back in.

You wanted me dan she ask kneeling next to me .

Yea Can I have you hand as Amy fix me I ask.

Of course dan she say holding her hand out as I grab it.

Okay read now Dani Amy asks.

Yep I say with a scared tone. She opens the alcohol pad and starts cleaning the wounded. I squeeze Lauren hands . After she cleans it she grabs the super glue and opens it.

Okay dan this one is going to hurt a lot more of she says.

Okay I say still squeezing Lauren's hand. She starts closing it up and I feel the pain but I ignore it.

Okay all done she says. Know I want you in bed unless you are throwing up okay dan .

Okay I say. Lauren helps me bed and I just stay sitting up not feeling like laying down. All the girls stay in the room and Lauren sit next to me. I rest my head on she shoulder as they talk. Then I dosed off to sleep. I woke up to see only Lauren in room .

Where the rest go I ask.

They went to go get food and more thing for the first aid kit she says .

I felt that burning sensation climbing up and I run to the bathroom. Lauren floors behind be and hold my hair back and rubs it . After about 7 minutes of throwing up I sit against the wall and Lauren get a cup of water and texts Chris what happened.

I hate this I say .

I know you do but we don't know what it is maybe you should go to the ER like Chris said she says.

But I don't like hospitals i says.

I know you do but I not going to make you if you don't want you she says. We sit there for a little bit . Then the door open and say she here Chris and the others walking to the bathroom.

Hey dan how you feeling she ask.

Same as before I say.

Well I got you chicken broth you should try eating it she says.

I - get cut off by throwing up again and I feel Chris rubbing my back. After a few more minuets of that I sit back against the wall.

I think I should sleep on here tonight I say.

If you want you can dan its might be the best thing she says. Now want some of the broth she ask.

I guess I say as she helps me up. As we walk I feel light headed and I just faint and I hear DANI.

Well there where a lot of dauren moments in this I hope you like it and will post another today . And leave suggest if you want .

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