Chapter 12

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Dani's nightmare
I woke up in a dark room I look around to see a floating red balloon. I start panicking and I start running away , but the ballon followed me. Then I saw IT come out the dark and started chasing me I kept running till I heard Lauren's voice. I kept running till her voice got louder then it all stopped.
Dani's POV
I woke up with Lauren shaking me .

What happened I ask shaking.

You had a nightmare dan are you okay she asks holding her arms out so I could hug her. I accepted the hug .

Yeah I'm fine just shock up that's all I say. Lauren falls asleep after a while so I stay up. I decided to go sit on the porch. Once outside I notice a pink fog coming towards me . So I stand up and got and energy ball ready. I knocked on the living room window to get my siblings up and I ran off the porch. I look over to see my siblings come out if the house confused.

Dani why did you wake us it only 2 AM Alex says. I point to the pink fog and they get there powers ready. I saw a person emerge from the fog. She reminded me of Sally.

Who are you I ask.

You should know who I am Dani the person said.

Dani do you know who that's is Chris asks.

I think so but I'm not sure I say.

Ohh stupid stupid little Dani you know who I am not just say it or I will knock Kath out the person said  grabbing  Kath.

No don't do anything to her I say with anger.

I won't but only if you say who I am the person said.

Dani I suggest you say who it is Lauren says.

I think you Sally I say.

Good to know you know who I am she's putting Kath down next to Alex. Now Dani how about we fight she says.

Fine I say throwing the energy ball. She dodges it and the throws lightning at me. I try to dodge it but it skins the top of my arm but I still continue to fight. We continue to fight till I tossed into a tree causing Sally to stand in front of me and I try to sit up.

Ahh little little Dani so pathetic she says as she puts her foot on my chest. I can't wait to tell everyone on Monday that you don't know how to fight she says as she punches my face. Now I'll she you Monday she says taking her foot of me. I watched as she walks away and turns into dust. My siblings come over and make sure I'm okay and Amy starts healing us all.

Okay let's go to sleep for now Chris says and we all head back to the living room and head back to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to see everyone else woke up.

Hey I say walking in to the kitchen.

Hey Dan how did you sleep Amy asks.

For what I had it was okay I say. Did Michael take Alex again I ask.

Yep something about having "bro time" Lisa says making us laugh as I grab a cup coffee.

So what are the plans for today I ask.

Well we need to go grocery shopping and get stuff to make potions Chris says.

Something tells me we have to go do it I say taking a sip of coffee.

Yeah we all know Michael and Alex won't do it Kath says laughing.

True I says finishing off of my coffee.

I know one thing Chris says.

What's that I ask.

That you drink coffee way to fast she says making us laugh.

Well I don't want it to go cold I says putting my cup on the sink.

Yeah sure you do Dan she jokes.

Well if we are leaving the house I'm going to get changed and do my make I says walking upstairs. As I find my outfit Lauren knocks on my door.

Yes laur I ask.

I want to know what your dream was about last night if seemed to scare you pretty bad if you did not fall back asleep she's. So in tell her what happened as I pick out my outfit.

Ok then she says that's all I need to know she says and reminded me to not allow you to watch any horror movies she says standing up.

Ok I will now can I get changed I ask.

Of course she says leaving and sitting the door. I change into a white short sleeve crop top and jeans with the holes in the front. Then I put in white converse and go to my desk to do my makeup. I just do a light but natural makeup style. After I'm done I walk downstairs to see everyone but Chris and Lisa ready so I sit and wait for the slow pokes. After about 30 minuets later they finely came down.

Ready Chris asks grabbing the van keys.

We are but are you ready Lauren asks making us laugh.

Oh come on so we are like 10 minutes late Lisa says.

Your 30 minuets late I joke.

Ok how about we get going Amy says.

Yeah come Chris says. We walk out and climb in the van Chris driving, Kath is in the passenger seat, Lisa , Amy and Lauren sit in the second row and I sit in the third  row by myself but I like it. We first stop to get the stuff for potions because nothing has to be refrigerated. After that we want to go get the groceries and then we finely went home. Once we got home I went up to my room and just keep thing about Sally like she could not get out of my head I though I was going to explode. Then I heard a knock and my door and Lisa's voice.

Dani can I talk to you she asks.

Sure Lise I say. She comes in and sits on my bed with me.

Dani are you okay she asks.

I don't know Lise all I can think about what Sally said to me I say.

Oh Dani you shouldn't have to think about that she says.

But I can't stop thinking about it Lise I say.

Dani look we are all going to be here for you and help you she says.

I know you will I says.

Good to know you know but I also came to tell dinner is ready she says.

Okay but umm what's for dinner I ask.

Tacos she says.

Yes I say jumping up and racing down stairs. After dinner was down I went upstairs and took my makeup off and changed into pjs and fell asleep.
Hey sorry it was late I had a panic attack about dying 3 times today so that's why it's late but for now this might be the one chapter for tonight idk yet but I'm staring to write the next chapter.

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