Chapter 2

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Dani's POV

I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 4:30 so I decided to go downstairs and see if Christina was home yet. Once I'm down stairs I don't see Chris but I see Kath so I decided to ask her if she has come home yet.

Hey Kath I say.
Hey Dani what's up she say.
I was wondering if Chris was home I say.
No not yet but she should be why do you need her Kath say.
I wanted to talk more about what happens Monday if it was a demon or not I say.
Oh did you look in the book she says.
Yeah but I four different ones but the good thing was they were all weaker ones so the damage would not be that bad I say.
Yeah this is the only good thing Kath says.
Just as she finished talking the front door open.
I'm home Christina shouts as she walks in the kitchen.
Hey Dan hey Kath Chris say.
Hey me and Kath say I unison.
What you two talking about Chris ask.
Just about the demon that attacked me on Monday I say.
Oh so what you find out Chris ask.
Well I found out the the are four different types of the lower grade demons that have the powers to turn invisible I say grabbing a cup of water.
And I'm going to take it you don't know which one it was Chris ask.
Yep well just have to find out ourself I say.
I guess we do Christina say as the front door open.
I'm home says mike as he walks in the kitchen.
What going on in here he ask.
Demon talk I say .
Ok so when's dinner he asks Kath.
It's will be in an hour and we are having pizza she say.
Ok then I'm taking this time to go on a walk I say.
Okay Dan be back by 6:30 okay Chris say as I head for the front door.
I will Chris I say.
On the walk
As I walk I still continue to think about what Tiffany keeps saying to me. As I walk I see Tiffany and I don't want to clash with her so I head down an alleyway. As I'm in the alleyway something tosses me against the wall. I look up to see a person figure. The figure grabs me and start choking me. I fight as it happens and I managed to stop him from choking me but once I can breath again I was tossed against the again. This time when I look up I see nothing but the dark alleyway. I felt something wet on my head so I placed my hand over my head and as soon as I felt the wetness I pulled my hand away and saw blood. With in minuets I ran home.
After walk
Once I was outside of the house caught my breath and looked at the time. It was only 5:45 I was only gone for 45 minutes. Once I caught my breath I made my way inside. I was trying to go up to my room so I could heal my self and wash the blood off with out anyone knowing. But my plan backfired because once I made upstairs I ran into Alex.
Omg Dani what happened he ask while examining the blood.
You see I think I ran into another demon but I'll look more into that later I was going to get this heal and washed without anyone knowing I say.
DANI WAS THAT YOU COMING I Christina scream while walking up the stairs.
Yes but I- I try to say getting cut off by Christina.
What happened she asked examining the blood like Alex did.
I told her what I told Alex.
Okay next time you get hurt come to us and tell us okay she says.
Okay I say now can I go get cleaned up.
Yes go and hurry dinner is almost done.
Okay I say.
Once I'm in my bedroom I heal myself and start cleaning the blood. Once I was finished Lauren walk in.
Hey Dan Chris told me to tell you dinner done she say.
Okay I say getting up walking out the door with her.
At dinner
I walk in the dinning room with my pizza slice and carrots with hummus and sit next to Kath.
As I start eating Chris makes an announcement.

Tonight after dinner we need to talk more about the demon that attracted Dani on Monday and find the one who attracted her today as well she say.

Wait Dani got attracted today why was I not not said Lisa and Lauren.

Because you weren't done here to know when I told them like everyone else Kath says.

Okay but next time it happens I want to know Lisa say pointing at me.

Okay I'll let you know lise I say.

After dinner

Ok Alex you got the book Chris ask.

Right here say Alex.

Okay so we know that there are 4 possible demons that attacked Dani on Monday we just don't know which one Chris say.

Yep you got it I say.

And the one that happened today tell us what is was like ask Mike.

Well I could see it but it was a shadow because I could see through it and I could feel it I say.

Here it is say Alex. It's called a shadow demon he attack in dark place.

Well there the answer on that one Chris say.

Just the the front flys open making us all jump and turning to look at it. As we look a person like figure walks in.

Well what do we have here a sibling meeting say the mysterious figure. I love that I crashed it he say what shooting energy balls out of it's hand.

I threw up a shield as the others got ready to attack. Once ready I let the shield down we all attack. Me Chris and Lauren throw energy balls and Michael throws lightning Lisa is charging up her dark power and Alex teleported him and Kath and Amy out to put the book back in safety. As I was throwing energy balls I got hit by his energy ball and flew into the wall. I heard Lauren yell my name but I could get up thE pain hurt too much. I groaned and put my hand on my stomach as that's what the spot that was hit. I look up to see Michael throwing lightning and hitting the demon causing it to go away. Once the demon was gone they all ran over to me.

Dani are you okay asks Lisa.

I feel burning right here I say pointing to the spot of pain. Once they knew I tried to heal it myself but I was too weak.

Dan why can't you heal ask Lauren.

I used to much energy can you get Amy please I ask.

Of course dan say Chris. But when she runs to get her the we're Already on the stairs coming down.

Dani are you okay asked Amy.

No I feel pain right here I say pointing. And I'm to wean to heal it myself.

Okay ready Amy ask get her hands ready to heal it.

Yep go ahead I say. Once she done Lauren pick me up and help me walk upstairs to bed. As she I fall a asleep.

What do you think.
I wanted it longer but I'm not doing my best right not so this is what it is but tomorrow's will be longer.
Word count 1290

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