Chapter 21

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Dani's POV
I was awaken at 5 PM by Lisa coming in and shaking me.

Dani come get up its dinner time she says.

Noo I don't want to I say.

Dani if I don't come down with you Chris will get Michael to come and carry you down she says.

Fine but I will not talk about what happened today I say sitting up.

Okay then so I won't ask why you have a black eye she says laughing.

Haha now let's go before Chris gets Michael and Alex to carry us down I say laughing. We then walk down and I sit next to Lisa and Lauren.

So dan want to tell everyone what happened Chris asks.

No I say.

Fine then I will Chris says. She then starts telling them what happened as I looked down taking small bits of food.

I'm full say standing up. I'm going to my room. I then walk up to my room as I heard someone else walk in.

What I say tuning around to see Lisa.

Dani I want to know why she says .

Because Lise it was ether in the school or out I say sitting down.

Really dan she says.

Yes that's the truth I say.

Okay then she says. But I'm here if you want to talk okay she say.

Okay Lise thanks I say giving her a side hug.

Anytime dan she say. Now how about you get sleep she say.

Okay I say. I put on my pjs and climb into bed I then fall asleep. I was awaken by my alarm clock at 5 am.

Ugh I don't want to go to school I say. I then thought to my self. What if I faked sick. I then proceed with my plan. I made it so I look pale and also have my self a fake fever. Once done I walk down stairs all making it looked like I don't feel good. I then saw Kath cooking eggs.

Hey Kath I say.

Hey dan she says how you doing.

Ugh I feel sick I say putting my head down. She then pulls my head up and feels my head.

Dan your burning up she says.

I'm fine I just need rest i say.

Okay then dan you go back to sleep and I'll let Chris know that your not going and I'll tell Lisa that you'll be home all day she says.

Thanks Kath I say getting up and going back upstairs. I then lay back down in bed and try to go back to sleep but I heard my down open. I roll over to see Chris walk in.

Hey dan she say coming over.

Hey I say. What you want I ask.

I want to check to make sure you okay she say.

I'm fine just not feeling well I say.

Okay then but dan text me on break okay she say.

Okay I say. She the walk out the door with Kath Lauren and Alex following her. But then I got this sick feel. So I bolt up to the bathroom and started throwing up. It take about 5 minutes till I'm done so i then clean my face and released that the fake temp I did should be gone. So I take my temp to see that it up to 100.07 umm maybe I lam sick I say. I then go any lay down as I wait for Lisa and Amy to wake up. After about 10 Lisa walks in.

Hey dan how you feeling she asks.

Mmh I just threw up and I feel like I'm being hit in the head by a hammer I say.

I could be a stomach bug she say. She then puts her hand up to my head. Dani your burning up.

I know but I already took my temp I say.

Well what was it she asks.

100.00 I say.

Ok I'll have to ask Amy but for know take your temp every hour okay she says.

Okay I will I say. She then leaves to most likely talk to Amy and I decided to get up and grab some headache pills. As I grab the pills I take a cup of water and take two pills. After i take them a wave of dizziness hits me and I fall to the floor. I then hear foot steps running towards the kitchen.

DANI Amy screams. She then runs to me as I try to sit up. She helps me up and refills my cup with water and she hands it to me. Dan what happened she asks.

Idk I was taking headache pill because I feel like my head is being hit with hammers and then I fainted I say as Lisa comes in and her eyes get wide.

DANI what happened she ask. So then I explain what happened again. Once done they helped me up and helped me back to my room.

Okay dan I want you in bed for the day Amy say.

Ok I will I say. She then leaves as I go on my phone go though my social media. After I was done I saw that Chris was now on a break so I text her what happened she responds say she check me when I was home. I then felt that burning sensation rise so I rush to the bathroom and throw open the lid. I start throwing up so much that it took 10 minuets to stop. After I was done I sat against the wall and waited for the room to stop spinning. After a while I saw Amy walk by.

Hey dan are you ok she asks.

I don't know the room is still spinning I say.

Okay stay near the wall and don't move she say feeling my head. Dan your burning up I'm taking your temp she say.

Okay I say. She then proceeds to take my temp as I wait for the room to stop spinning.

It's 101.1 she says. Okay let me know when the room is done spinning and I'll bring you back to bad she says. Then the front door open and we hear Kath talk.

I'm home Kath says.

Me and Dani are upstairs Amy screams.

I'm in the kitchen Lisa screams.

Okay she say . Wait Amy why are you and Dani in the bathroom together she asks . She then starts coming to the bathroom.

She was getting sick and she can't move till the room stops spinning Amy say as Kath walks in.

Hey dan you okay she asks moving a piece of hair behind my ears.

I don't know Kath my stomach hurts and the room is spinning I say holding my stomach.

Hey dan is going to be okay but I'm going to help you to your room okay.

Okay I say. Her and Amy then helps me up and moves me to my room. I lay in bed as the world is still spinning.

Hey Kath I ask.

Yes dan she says.

What if a demon came what would I do I ask.

You would stay in bed you can help up she says.

But Kath I need to I say.

No you don't dan now how about you take a nap okay she say.

Okay I say as I lay down and asleep knowing she staying with me.

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