Chapter 15

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I woke on the couch at 5:15 AM. I hear people in the kitchen but my head and my body hurt so much that I wined in pain a little. This caused Kath to come in and check on me.

Dan you okay she asks.

Fine just in pain I say. Are you the only one up I ask.

I know the others are up but they haven't come down. But where does it hurt she asks.

My head and my side I says.

Okay what side she asks.

My right side I say.

Okay can you to where it hurts. I point and she feels where it hurt and it make me whimper a little. Ok dan I think is just from being kicked there but it will most likely make you feel sick for the rest of the day she says.

Okay I say.

Now you are going to be here by yourself she says. You going to okay here by yourself she ask as Chris comes downstairs.

Good news Dani won't have to be by herself Chris say.

Why I ask confused.

Because school got canceled she says.

Why did get canceled Kath ask handing me an ice pack.   

Someone broke in last night and stole stuff so no one can go she says.

Well of then I trust you to make sure Dani eats and give her a new ice pack every 2 hours Kath says.

I will Kath don't worry plus Alex and Lauren will be here she says.

Good she says. Now I'm grabbing you breakfast she say walking to the kitchen.

So dan how you feeling Chris ask sitting down my feet.

Could be better I say. My head and side hurt but other then that I'm fine I say.

Here you go dan some food and voice and same with you Chris Kath says handing us food and drinks.

Thanks Kath I say.

Your welcome dan now Eat you only had 5 bites of dinner last night she say. I start taking bites of my food I start getting full so I but the plate down.

Dan I say that Chris say.

I'm full say holding my side.

Dan you ate 6 small bites and 3 sips of coffee you need more Kath says as Lisa and Amy enter the room.

But my side hurts I whine.

What's wrong asked Amy. As Kath comes over to check it out.

Dani only ate 6 small bites of her food and she says her side hurts Chris say concerned. Kath then feels it and starts panicking .

Kath whats wrong I asks scared.

It's ok dan but I have to bring you to the ER she says as Alex and Lauren walked in.

I-i don't want to go I say more scared.

Dan you have to she say.

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