Chapter 4

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Dani's POV
I look at my clock at see it reads 9:30 PM we have to leave at 10:00 PM so I grab my things and empty bowl that held sour patch kid ice cream , and head downstairs. I put my bowl in the sink and head to put my things in the car. Once my stuff is in the van I head back inside and sit in the living room on my phone. After being on my phone for 10 minutes I see Lauren come down.

Hey laur need help I ask her as her arms are full.

Yes please she ask as I get up and take 2 bags from her.

Why do you need so much I only have one suit case I say.

I have a lot of clothes and we don't know when we I'll be back she says.

True but I'm just going to wash them at a laundry mat I say putting here thing in the back of the van.

I'm going to do that to she says. I just do want to do within a week of being there.

Ok Lauren now you are going crazy just like Sally and you know what to her. 

Oh yeah I know why don't you go eat your hummus she jokes. So Dani ready to go to Pairs she say walking into the house while Chris and Alex walk out to put there things in the van to.

I mean yeah I just not for the plan I'm the only on who hasn't been on a plane I say. I'm just glad that I will be sitting next you and Chris I say walking to the couch and taking a seat.

Yeah and you can sleep my shoulder and I'll wrap you in a blanket as you sleep she says.

Aww thanks Lauren and if that happened to you I'll do the same I say.

Thanks Dan she says. Just as she finished Amy , Lisa, Kath , and Michael walk down and put there stuff in the van.

Okay guys we are all set lets hi the road says Michael. We all walk outside and pile into the van. The back seat is Lauren , me , and Alex. Middle row is Kath , Lisa , Amy. Passenger seat is Christina and Michael is the driver. We have an hour long ride to the airport so get comfy.
1 hour late
We're here say Lauren waking me up.

Already I was so into my sleep I tell her hoping out of the car. We all grab our stuff and walked in to the airport.

Ok because I don't trust you Dani stay near me .

But I'm 16 I should be trust I wined.

Yes I know but never been to and airport so you lost and we all need to stay together Chris say. 

Fine I wined. We go though security and them make are way to turn and bags in so after that's all done we sit by are gate and wait to board as it is only 11:20 PM. We wait till we are called to board at 11:40 PM. Once we find our seats Lauren goes in first and then I do then Christina. We all sit and get buckled and wait till the pilot comes on over the radio and say we are ready to take off. Next thing I know we started going fast and I was scared so I gripes my seat tighter. Lauren saw and put my hand in hers. The we were in the air and the sign came on that said we can unbuckled the seatbelt. Once that sign came on I put my head on Lauren's shoulder and fell asleep for a solid 4 hours. When I woke up we had 1 hour left. I looked down and sow I was covered up Lauren's coat so I took it off and covered Lauren up with it because she was asleep along with Christina. This came me time to think for a while about what could happen to us but while I was think the plane hit turbulence cause Lauren and Christina to wake up. The turbulence cause me to grip my chair so tight that my knuckles turned white. Lauren say how sacred I was and pointed it to Christina.

Dani calm down we are going to be okay she says. But then my breathing started getting heavier and I started to panic.

Dani it's okay we okay it's over your fine says Chris. Then then pilot come on.

We are 10 minutes away from landing so please buckle your seat belts He says.

Dani want me to hold your hand when we land Lauren asks.

Yes please or I might explode like sally I say .

You and this sally girl it like all you talk about says Chris. Once the planes lands we get off and go get are luggage from luggage claim. The we head to the rental car place and get a van.

Okay who's driving asks Chris.

I will says Kath. We head towards the hotel. Once we got there we look how big it is and it must be 15 stories tall. When walk in it look like something from a movie. We get the 3 room keys and decided who going where .

Okay Michael and Alex have one room.  Me Lauren and Dani have one. And Amy Kath and Lisa in the other Chris says. We go with who we need to and me , Lauren and Chris go to our room It was so big. We saw only 2 bed so we decided me and Lauren share one then Chris gets her own.

Okay let get ready for bed says Chris as it is 2:30 Pairs time.

Okay I say . I pull out a night gown and change my clothes. I lay in the big comfy bed and as soon as Lauren and Chris hits the bed they fall right asleep. But I could I close my eye but I feel like someone is looking at me so I open my eyes so fast. Then I here. Crash in the bathroom and I go check it out.

Hello I say softly anyone there. I look around and see that a glass vase fell so I clean it up. But as i clean it up I get a piece of glass stuck in my finger.

Oww I say softly. I clean the rest of the vase up and wash my cut. I spent 30 minuets looking for a bandaid I'm my bag lucky I found one but it was an Elmo one. But I didn't care so I put it on and climb back in bed . But this time when I hit the bed I fell asleep so fast.

Thought I would post two chapters today so this I a present so enjoy it cause it may or may not happen again and I will still post tomorrow

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