Chapter 10

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Dani's POV
I woke up a few minuets later with a wet washcloth on my head, and I was I bed but I remember being in the bathroom.

What happened I asked.

You fainted dan we need to take you to the ER now because it's getting worse Kath says worried.

But I don't like the hospital I say.

I know you don't but we need to see what's wrong plus we will all be there Chris says.

Fine but not one you are going to leave my side I say sitting up as Lauren helps me. Chris hand me my jacket and shoes. Lauren then helps me up and we walk out to the trolley. We see that the hospital is about 30 minutes away. Once on the trolley I sit in between Chris and Lauren. I put my head on Chris's shoulder and every bump we hit I felt worse. But we made it and Chris checked me in and now we wait. As we wait I rest my head in Chris's shoulder and hold Lauren's hand I ended falling asleep on Chris shoulder. After a while they called me back and made me put on a hospital gown then we have to wait for the doctor.

Hey Lauren am I going to be okay I ask.

Of course you will Dani she says. I was given a blue barf in case of feel sick. I haven't eaten in a full day but I was still throwing up. After awhile the doctor came in and checked me out then he said what was wrong.

Well Dani seams to have a slight flu but she going to fine just give her this for Medicean he says . Know you can get change and leave and also stay in bed for about 2 days.

Okay thank you I says sitting up . As he leave so do my other siblings so I can get change. After I was down we leave with the papers and meds and wait for the trolley to come. Once on the trolley I sit between Chris and Lauren again as we make are way back to the hotel. Once back at the hotel we all sit in my Lauren and Chris room. The a bright light appears in front of us.

Ummm what's happing I ask.

I don't know Chris says. Then Bob and Lily appear in front of us.

Ahh cimorelli's good to see you Bob says.

Well look who it is if it isn't Bob and Lily my favorite people Lisa says.

We are here to tell you that you can go back home so here are your tickets for tonight at 3:00 AM Lily says handing Chris the tickets.

But Dani's on bed rest for 2 days Chris says.

We know so we want you to give her this Bob says handing Michael the meds.

What exactly do that do I ask worried.

They just make you sleep on the plane Lily says.

Umm okay then I say still worried.

Well we should leave now so you can pack and Dani that pill 2 hours before you get on the plane okay Bob says.

Will do I say then they leave .

Well everyone go pack and meet in here when done Chris says and everyone nods and leaves to there rooms. I get up and try to pack but Lauren pushes me back on the bed.

Ahh I'll do it for you. You need rest Lauren says.

Ugh Lauren I'm fine just give me my bag and my clothes and I'll pack I say sitting on my bed.

Fine I'll let you do that but nothing else okay she says.

Thank you I say as she give me my bag and clothes. As I fold the clothes I remember how much I love doing chores. Once I was finished I sit back and watch as Chris and Lauren finished.

There done Lauren says sitting down on the bed. I laugh as My other siblings walk in.

Okay Chris says. We are going to leave now so everyone up I'll help Dani she says. As she helps me up we take the trolley to the airport. It's about 2 hours away so it going to be a while. Once we are there we get checked in and now we have wait 11 hours till the plane takes off and 9 hours before I have to take the pill that will make me fall asleep.

Hey Lauren I ask.

Yes dan she says looking at me.

I have a random question I say.

Well lay If on she say laughing .

If white cows give regular milk dose that mean brown cows give chocolate milk and pink cows give strawberry milk I ask.

Oh Dani sometimes I wonder what goes on in your head she says laughing.

Yeah so do I , I say laughing with her. So do you know I ask.

Wait was that a real question she asks.

No I was joking I say. I asking a lot of question till it came about 6 PM and Chris and Kath brought Pizza for dinner. I only had 7 more hours till I have to take the pill so this is going to be a while.

Ugh I have a headache I say.

Oh yeah that reminds me hear you need to take your pill from the doctor Chris says giving me my pill.

Thanks I say taking it . We wait till it's 1 AM and I take the pill Bob gave me. So  I say. Getting everyone's attention. When we get back do I have to go back to school I ask.

Of course you do Dani but on Monday so you got 4 days from not going to school and same with you Chris says pointing and Alex and Lauren. After 2 hours of waiting we get on the plane. I sit next to Lauren and Chris again. After panic at take off I fall asleep on Lauren shoulder. I stayed asleep till Lauren wakes me up saying it's almost time to land. So I sit up and have another panic attack as we land man I hate planes. Once off we get are luggage we go to the car and head home. Once we get home we all run up to our rooms and I collapsed into bed and driff off to sleep.

Woah 2 chapters In a day again let's go I'm tied but I'm writing more as we speak so there will be another chapter soon
Plus I would have no motivation to write if it wasn't for the salbizummus fam

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