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-u-uh...yes... Where am i? W-who are you?! -I acted clueless, as if i had no idea where i was and didn't know them, at all. 


-I'm Daniel! we were so so worried about you! w-we thought you were de- 

-Daniel! -he shouted at him and he continued staring at me, i lightly blushed at this and i think he noticed this-. Im Sean, and this is my brother Daniel, s-swear we're not gonna hurt you! trust us...ok?. 

-Alright... -i started to calm down and let go a deep sigh-. 

-Where are you from? where were you going? are you on a runaway? -he started to ask me questions, i didn't know what to say. Do i say that i'm lost? on a runaway? this is supposted to be a dream, of course that i'm going to lie-. 

-I'm lost... someone was... -at this moment i was thinking about a random answer, something not too stupid-. Someone was chasing me... on the woods, i was just running from them-.

-Someone was chasing you on the woods? Sean... -Daniel looked at Sean worried-.

-The person who was chasing you... were they cops? -he said worried and getting a lil bit nervous-.

-No! i don't know who it was, but they were chasing me. Can you guys help me?... finding my way home?. 

-I-i don't know... we-

-Yes! -Daniel said looking at me with his cute angelic smile, Sean looked at him frowning-. 

-Daniel! -he stared at me again-. Can you excuse us for a minute?... -he said to me and stands up putting his hand on Daniel's shoulder-. 

-Of course -i said while i watched them walk inside of a room and locked the door, all i could hear was whispers-.

-Daniel! are you crazy? how are supposed to take care of her, you don't... know her! we don't even know why is she here in first place! what if she works with the police! have you forgot that we're hiding?! -Sean looked bothered and glanced at Daniel-.

-Man! i know! but i thought i would be nice helping that girl, i don't think she's dangerous! We found her unconscious out there! she's telling the truth!. 

-Right, like if someone lives in the middle of nothing, chasing a girl on the woods. -He crossed his arms still looking at him-.

-Come on, Sean! 

-We have to know her first, AND we got to make sure she's not working with anyone. I'll... think about it, but don't forget about our plans about Puerto Lobos.

-Sure... like if we are close to Mexico, we still got time. 

-You don't know that, we gotta be careful, enano. -he sighed and looked at the door-. Alright, let's go -he opens the door and Jess looks at them, and Sean walks towards her sitting in front of her again-. 

y/n's p.o.v

-If you guys want me to leave, it's ok, i'll leave, i can f-. -Sean interrupted me-. 

-No, no, it's ok, you can stay with us. We can... help you, but for not long, we... we also got stuff to do. -He said, looking at the floor and he stared back at me-. 

-Really? t-thank you! -i was still nervous, but i felt more comfortable, yeah, i couldn't believe it at all, it's just a dream. I guess... I hugged him and couldn't see his reaction, but he hugged back-. 

Sean's p.o.v

She looked innocent, maybe Daniel is telling the truth, maybe she's not dangerous, but i still got my doubts. 

I told her that we were gonna help her, she looked happy, and smiled, i don't wanted to be rude, so i smiled back at her. She looked at me in shock and moved towards me and then hugged me. I blushed a little, at first i was in shock, but i hugged her back and smiled.

-Okay -i finished the hug- But i'm curious. What's your name? i-if you don't mind me asking. -i smiled at her again and she returned me the smile-. 

-I'm y/n, i'm live in (wherever you live). -She said and looked at her confused-. 

-So... why are you here? i mean, i don't mean to be rude but... why were you on the woods, and why was someone suddenly chasing you?. -i asked to her and crossed my arms, about to pay attention of what she was about to say-. 

-You said it, i'm... on a runaway, the last thing i remember is someone screaming my name and running towards me, i was just scared, so i obviously ran. Just when i tought that i lost them, i stumbled somewhere and i fell where you guys were-. 

-Mind... telling me your story? -I looked at her, she looked kinda nervous, i could tell she was upset, i felt she was saying the truth, but i have to make sure of that-. 

-Oh, well... my parents... divorced, i decided to live with my dad, but my family were not the same after that. Everyone on my house was so quiet, no one wanted to talk. it was just... eating and going back to my room, having no one to talk to. I felt so lonely, i miss my old family, when everyone was telling stories during dinner, the stupid jokes my mom and dad used to say... -She sighed- So i walked all over this way, and i just... wanna be home, even though my life was lonely, at least i was safe back there... -she started to sob and i glanced at her worried, poor thing... I thought, i leaned close to her and i hugger her,  she hugged me back, she needed this, she's just a lost soul, like us... but at least she has a home and people that care about her. 

y/n's P.o.v

Half of the story i told was real, except for the part that i was on a runaway, of course, i miss mom, i miss when mom and dad were still together, i had to let it out. When Sean hugged me, as i started to cry, i didn't even think about being embarassed of crying in front of him, or crying on his shoulder, i was really upset, Sean was so sweet to me.

-Thank you so much, for listening... no one actually wants to hear my personal problems... or maybe i don't want to talk about them. -i wiped out my tears and looked at him, he was looking at me too, he still had that worried gaze-. Oh, sorry, we have just met and i'm already acting weird.

-It's all good, don't worry -he gave me a warm and small smile, and i smiled back-. 

Woaaaah, good puppy!  -Daniel was playing outside with mushroom and laughing-.

-Daniel! i told you to not to go outside again! you're gonna get way more sick! get back in. -he shouted and then he helped me to stand up, what a gentleman-. 

-Thanks. -i said with a big blush on my face and he smiled at me, as if he wanted to say "you're welcome."

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