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DISCLAIMER: this story is lowkey inspired on a story i've read before, don't know the author, but it's inspired on them, it's not 100% my idea. 

I was walking trough the streets, bored, having nothing to do. I decided to enter to enter a videogame store nearby, i sometimes kill my time watching what games should i buy next, and a game cought my eye. Life is strange 2. Yeah, i've played that before. My mind went into a traveling journey just to remember the main characters story, i just wish i could see them again. My mind started trippin' and i started to imagine how could i be in the same universe as them. Nah, that's impossible, it's just a videogame. its just-

-Uh...excuse me? -the co-worker interrupted poking my shoulder once, taking me back to reality-.

-Uhm? yes? -i faced him really akward. Man, did i just stand there looking stupid, staring at a game?, embarassing-.

-We're about to close, so if you wanna check out something else, you have 3 minutes left -He walked to his desk checking for the last time the computer on his left-.

-Alright...sorry -i walked towards the exit really embarassed. I didn't wanna go home yet, but im reeeally hungry, maybe i should get a snack or something. -EEEh, not really, i should really be home right now, or dad is going to kill me. 

So there i was, walking home, still thinking about the game. Stop, (y/n) you know it's never gonna happen, it's just a-- Fantasy? I should really worry about school and stuff, not about this, get it together. those were my only thoughts on my way home.

I finally arrived and slowly opened the door, my dad was cooking dinner, at it smelled really good.

-Hey, dad, what you're cooking? -I dropped my backpack on the sofa and approached him-. Some enchiladas, they should be ready in 6 minutes, why don't you go and wash your hands, so we can get ready to eat?-He gave me sweet and warm smile. I only nodded and ran upstairs on the way to my bedroom. I cleaned up and scrolled trough my social media for a bit, after that, went downstairs again, the food was already on the table, and it looked soooo good.

3 hours later

I left my phone on my nightstand and layed on my bed, ready to sleep, i sometimes think about shit and stuff before sleeping, but nah, i was tired, so it was easy for me to sleep this time.

-Ouch... -i felt like i jumped out of my bed and crashed on the floor, except that the floor was so freaking cold, i was freezing, how could my floor be so cold?. I tried to stand up, but i couldn't even open my eyes, i slowly began to open them, i don't know where i was, it was just... snowing?. I tried to stand up, i struggled a lot, but i couldn't, i was totally freezed. Until i heard some... voices?. 

Dude! you almost hit our dog! learn how to aim! 

Sorry, shroom. 

Again, i tried to stand up but this time my arm hurt of how cold it was? (Lmfao i don't even know what im writting, sorry for this ugly ass story and my ugly grammar, english is not my first language, but here we are y'all-) I screamed in agony, it hurts like hell!... 

Sean?...You heard that noise?

Sean? What the- I hear some steps approaching me. 

Holy shi- are you okay?! 

SEAN DIAZ? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! DANIEL?!-i looked at him, in shock, what was i supposed to say?!

Daniel! Help me out! A-are you okay?! Daniel!

H-hold on! 

Shit, shit, a-

i suddendly woke up, gasping, i started to look around and i was back in my room, my forehead and my hands were sweating-. It was just... it was just a dream... a dream... -i sighed in relief and layed on my bed again thinking about what i just dreamed about. Weird... I closed my eyes and felt asleep again.

-(y/n) wake up! (y/n)!. This girl never stop sleeping. (Y/n)! -My dad tried to wake me up-.


-You're gonna be late for school! Hurry up! Breakfast is downstairs! -My dad says while opening the curtains, letting the sun bright right into my eyes and wake up fast-. 

-Okay!, Okay!... -i said weakly and went to dress up-. 

At school

-(Y/n) Helloooo? -Elle said, trying to get (y/n)'s attention, she wasn't paying attention of what she was saying, until Elle snapped her fingers in front of her face-. Girl! You're lost! What are you up to?.

-Oh, what? n-nothing. -i was ashamed, the only thing on my mind was this weird dream where i was with Sean and Daniel, it was so weird... it felt so real...-. Im just thinking about... the party, you know?. 

-Well of course you are! i heard Aaron is gonna be there! -she gave me this weird flirty glance and i smiled over that-.

Oh, shut up!... -I blushed over her comment and she laughed-. You're so cute. -She said while she took a bite of her sandwich-. Anyways, have something on mind of what are you going to wear? I do!, i bought this awesome jeans, you gotta see them!. 

-Course i will though! maybe you can help me a little bit on my outfit, i'm... not that good on picking up sexy clothes? Dresses?.

-Sure i will dummie, how about tomorrow?.

-Awesome. -I smiled and returned into my weird thoughts, yeah, i still can't get that dream off my head.

Later then

i was scrolling through my social media, it was about 11:20pm, i was sooooo sleepy, i tried listening to ASMR but i didn't work-. I guessi'll have to sleep on my own, time to count some sheeps-. 1...2...3...4.......5...

Shit! she's not waking up! Hello?! can you hear me?!

where the hell am i... -I made some slow movement trying to move just for a little bit, i was feeling warm.

S-she's moving! thank god... h-hey? c-can you hear me?

S-sean? is she okay?

Oh my god... OH MY GOD, NOT AGAIN, I'M STUCK IN THIS DREAM AGAIN, HELP. -i didn't know i was trying to get out of Sean's gasp, i was moving fast, like if i was convulsing-. 


I opened my eyes slowly and i felt like his hands were off me. I looked at my left and they were on there, looking at me. 

-AAAAAH! -i screamed just as i saw them, and i stepped back a little, scared. 

-D-don't worry! we're not gonna hurt you! y-you passed out, i found you unconscious outside, on the snow... -Sean looked at me with a worried glance, as he tried to get closer, i stepped back again-. I-its ok if you don't trust us... are u okay?.

i didn't know what to say, i was just staring at them, until i opened my mouth.

Sorry if i had some grammar mistakes. As i said before, english is not my first language, so i apologize if something sounds off or weird, you can correct me on the comments!

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora