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Our last bit of hope... was now lost. We couldn't do anything now.

"Guys... what are we gonna do..." Daniel asked. All the pieces of this puzzle were lost, and maybe we had to find them in order to figure this out. (No shit, Sherlock)

"Sean! Sean Diaz! it's over! Don't make this worse! Get out of the car... SLOW... with your hands above your head! Do EXACTLY what i say!"

Sean turned off the car and put his head on the wheel as a sign of exhaustion. He didn't know what to do, he was locked with these people who thought he was a criminal. People who would harm him, his girlfriend, and his brother. He had to carry around this massive load on his back, trying to protect the ones he loved.

What could he do?

He decided to speak up.

"You know, that day... in Seattle. The day dad was shot. I think about it every day..." The concerned look Daniel gave to Sean said everything. "And i would give anything to change what happened..." Sean continued. "But i can't". He sighed, his voice started to crack. "I'm sorry for my mistakes... i tried my best, i swear..." A goodbye letter, it seemed like that. But, was it? What was he planning?

"Sean..." Daniel spoke in a sad tone. Thinking this was a goodbye.

Two more police cars surrounded us from the back.

-"I'm so proud of you, enano... just like Dad would be... we both learned a lot together... but you can make your own rules now". He knew that Daniel was a very strong kid. And by that it doesn't mean that he could be completely be on his own, but to know what kind or decisions to make.

-" And you, i'm also proud of you. And i've got to thank you for staying and helping us all this way. You're so important to us we could say you're part of the family by know". He smiled weakly and so did i. "Don't forget i love you, i'm so sorry for carrying you to all of this shit..."

-"Hey... you didn't carry me to anything... you did your best, and we're proud of you too. You're an amazing brother, take it frome me. I love you too, alright?" I couldn't help but smile at him while i felt tears rolling down my cheeks. He smiled at me too and wiped my tears while stroking my cheek. He then backed up and sighed. I don't know what's gonna happen next, i don't want the police to separate us.

-"If we surrender... they will separate us. And if that happens... promise that... You will always do the right thing, okay?"

-"Promise ". Me and Daniel said in tune. Daniel's expression was just as worried as mine. Our lives would change in a snap depending on what path we're taking...

Short episode to ask if you guys want multiple endings or just straight up one. Could be like really different endings not related to the original ones from the game. What do you guys think?

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora