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Daniel came back running to us and ran to me and hugged me.

-A-are you ok, (y/n)? i- i didn't know w-what to do! im sorry... -his voice cracked-.

-I-i'm o-ok... lil dude -i tried my best to smile and i looked at Sean. Daniel finished the hug and gave me a little bit of water, i took a little sip of it-. Thank you, you're a life saver, lil dude, a hero. -I could finally smile properly at him, and he smiled too-. 

-You need some fresh air, come on. -Sean grabbed my hand and leaded me to the front door and opened it, mushroom came out running. We came outside and i started to take deep breaths, relaxing for just a little bit-. Thanks, Sean. -I said, not looking at him, but i felt his eyes on me-. 

-You don't have to thank me. Are...you feeling better already? -He stood up in front of me and i looked at him and gave him a small smirk- Yeah, i am.

-Glad to hear that -he smiled- Are you ready to go back inside or you want to stay outside just a little bit? -He said and i shaked my head saying "No"-. Nah, i'm fine... let's go back inside.

-Alright -he smiled and opened the door again-. Ladies first -he said and i smiled and blushed just a little bit for what he just said, i got inside and headed to the bathroom, Sean was helping out Daniel to pack. I looked at the mirror. What the hell is happening... wasn't this just a dream?... Or maybe the dream is not over yet. Maybe... MAYBE I'M STUCK ON THIS DREAM? no... that could not be... i can not be stuck on a dream... is it possible? THIS HAS TO BE A FUCKING DREAM, JUST WAKE UP ALREADY. -i lift my hand to my left cheek, i was about to slap myself, until i heard a voice-.

-Are you ok (y/n)? -Sean was standing at the door and i only looked at him with a terrified glance. He did not just see me about to slap myself-. 

-Yeah... i'm ok, don't worry, i just... wanted to relax a little bit, i thought i had a bug on my cheek(?) What the fuck are you doing?-.

-Alright, hum... we need to hit the road already, come outside if you're ready, ok? -He said and i nodded, he walked away and heard the sound of the slippery door opening, i took a deep breath and came outside, i saw Sean sitting-. What's up? Where's Daniel? -i asked-

-I don't know... he came out to search for mushroom, and now i can't find him-. Oh no...fuck...Mushroom...i was too focused on myself to remember that...-.

-Fuck! Daniel! -i ran trough the trunk and crouched under it, Sean was behind me and he saw Mushroom's bandana-. Shit, i don't wanna see this... i don't wanna-.

-Daniel?! -Sean approached the scene, the cougar was there, mushroom was dead-. Oh shit... Daniel! Do not... move -Sean said while he walked slowly towards Daniel-.

-It killed her! She was my friend! -Daniel yelled at Sean with tears rolling all over his cheeks, if i could just... prevent that... i'm so fucking stupid. I thought-.

-Calm down...okay? Listen -Sean tried to grab Daniel's arm but he rejected it and faced the cougar-.

-LEAVE ME ALONE! -Daniel lifted his arm and i looked at him, knowing exactly what will happen. I covered my mouth with my hands, i was freezed. Sean looked at me for a few seconds in shock, but he looked at Daniel and moved forward him quickly to preve-

-YOU KILLED MY DOG!  -Daniel was in a rage, he was so angry and sad at the same time, he could not controll his powers, nor anything else. He killed the cougar. I couldn't believe it. Yes i've watched this before when playing BUT IT'S NOT THE FUCKING SAME WHEN SEEING IT IN FUCKING PERSON, THIS IS SO FUCKED UP,  I WANNA WAKE UP, NOW, THIS IS NOT OKAY-.

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora