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"I was broken."

"So i was. And i'm sorry"

(Your pov)

I finished showering after the run i took. Jacob wasn't back home yet. I just decided to clean up a little to kill time. And then take a small nap until the phone was ringing

-Ugggh, who would ever call us? Weird... -I picked up the phone-. Hello?

-Jacob? -The voice spoke, it sounded familiar...-.

-Uh, no, this is (Y/n) who is this? -No one answered, so i suggested they hung up. Until i heard the person behind the phone again-.

-(y/n)... It's Sean... -I completely froze. Sean? It's Sean! My heart dropped for a second and tears started to slowly fall down to my cheeks-.

-S-Sean? I-Is it really you?! F-Fuck! You're safe, right? -I asked, sobbing while wiping out my tears and my eyes wide open-.

-Y-Yeah... i'm ok... (y/n)-

-Don't... -I took a deep breath and sighed. I didn't want to hear anyhing about what happened back on Humbolt-. Where are you?

-I'm in a motel... here in Heaven Point. It's... -He sighed- Can we... talk?

-No. I don't want to. -I sighed-. What you did is fucked up. But we have more important things to worry about. Listen, when we arrived to Heaven Point, Jacob wanted to look for his parents, we entered the church and a "reverend" who's named Lisbeth was in there... She... basically told me that i didn't belong there and it was my fault that Daniel was... she took him and brainwashed him saying that god was his own home... that we were sinners... I tried everyday to get him back. But one motherfucker just found me out and kicked me out. He even threatned me with his stupid gun, but i'm not of afraid. I would risk anything for Daniel. Jacob stopped him and we left. But i never gave up, i never wanted Daniel to stay in there... On his birthday... i sent him a cake but... Lisbeth took it and she claimed it was her gift to him. I got as mad as you can imagine. I screamed for Daniel, and as you expected, that sickfuck kicked me out again. He called the cops and i just... almost got arrested.

-(Y/n)... you don't have to blame yourself for what happened... i know i fucked up and i'll make it up. We're going to get Daniel out of that place, i swear. Karen is with me now, you're not alone.

-Yeah... okay. -We stood quiet for a few seconds until i said something-. Meet us tomorrow afternoon on Brandy Highway, uh, there's a function just above Heaven Point. There's a Wild Mice Ranch billboard there. We'll be there at 4.

-Okay... I lov- -i hung up and took a deep breath. The fact that Sean is safe makes me happy. But i can't stop thinking about how he lied to me that night, how he left without... me. Leaving all of our feelings behind. Oh yeah, fuck everything we got together! Why did he agree to have a job with me then? Then he tries to rob the shit out of Merill? I can't believe him.

Sandsnake motel, Heaven Point.

Sean's pov.

Fuck, FUCK! She doesn't wanna talk to me... i don't blame her, i acted like a piece of shit and didn't give a fuck about-

I tried to say i'm sorry but she doesn't believe me anymore... i messed everything between us. I love her so much. I don't want to lose her. She's the only girl that makes me feel butterflies on my stomach. The one who has always cheered me up whenever i needed it. She's the one i want to marry... i want to be with her every-single day, cuddle her, kiss her... fuck, (y/n)... i'm so sorry...

3rd Person.

Once Karen and Sean talked about Karen's life, why did she left their family behind, why did she leave? Sean seemed to understand her but still it was hard to him. Sean mentioned Karen about Jacob and (y/n) and where they were going to meet. After all, (y/n) didn't know about Sean's eye lose.

The next day. (Meeting point)

Your pov.

We were just so close. I saw Karen's car parked in front of us. After less than 30 seconds we arrived and we parked. I was nervous, i wasn't sure if i wanted to see Sean. But i want to get Daniel back, and so does he. We got our from the car and so did Sean. He... His eye had a patch... FUCK, what the fuck happened to him? Sean what the fuck- I just ran to him and hugged him tightly.

-Sean... -Tears couldn't stop coming out of my eyes. I placed my hands on his cheeks looking at him-. What happened? why didn't you tell me...

-(y/n)... -He holds my hand and his other hand goes through my face wiping out my tears-. (y/n)... please listen. I'm so sorry for what happened. I know i fucked up, alright? It was my fault leaving you and following Finn's plans. I love you more than anything, i need you in my life more than you could imagine. I don't want to lose you. -Sean said and i just looked at him, my cheeks burning but i felt myself shaking. I felt his words, i didn't want to lose him either. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I felt my whole body with full energy, butterflies traveling through my stomach-.

-I love you so much, (y/n) -He said and i smiled-.

-I love you too, Sean... -I said-.

-Hey, Sean, (y/n). -A femenine voice spoke and i realized it was Karen-.

-Karen...? H-hello. Nice to meet you. -I said and she smiled-.

-My pleasure. You must be... Sean's girlfriend? -She said and i nodded and smirked at her-.

Time skip

3rd person.

Sean and Jacob finished checking out Lisbeth's home. They found a lot of things they could use against Lisbeth and rescuing Daniel.

-Sarah Lee is really sick and Lisbeth doesn't want to take her to a doctor. And she knows she's sick. She's making Sarah Lee believe that through prayers she's gonna get better.

-Lisbeth wants to adopt Daniel without him knowing.

-She got kicked of her previous church she was part of.

-She hid Karen's letter to Jacob and (y/n), saying she wanted to take Daniel back and that she was worried about him.

Finally, Karen, (y/n) and Sean got back together and entered the church just to see Daniel lifting the candles. Karen freaked out because she didn't know about Daniel's power.
Sean and (y/n) started to convince Daniel about going with them and Karen. Nicholas started to stop them both by hitting them with his gun. Until Nicholas threatened Sean with his gun on his head and Daniel used his powers against him to save Sean, he realized he was being used for his powers. Lisbeth didn't want us to go but Daniel killed her. All of them left the church on flames and Daniel said goodbye to Sarah Lee as we said goodbye to Jacob.
We're on the long run again, lucky we have Karen

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