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(A/N: Episode 3 Sean hits different, bye.)

Yay. 2 episodes in a row? i already had these ready but i wanted to post them idk why, enjoy?.

Sean's pov.

i woke up and realized that (y/n) and Daniel were already up, i decided to get up too becuase, i-need-coffee. I got out of the tent and saw Hannah passing by, not really of an important talk, but, i sometimes feel she hates me.

I found Jacob and decided to talk to him, he was writting a letter for his sister, i helped him a little and then went to Penny and Ingrid, who were also taking some coffee, i spilled some in my cup and sat down with them-. 

-"I don't understand, why"?

-"How you miss all those insects? How the fuck? The swarm is coming... bzzz..."

-"You mean... bugs?" -I said taking my mug-. "I haven't seen many fly bugs."-I took a sip of the coffee and leaving the mug on the table again-. "Not in the winter at least..."

-"Sean, Narcs. Stealth drones. All that shit." -Penny said-. "Wake up, boy. Look up!"

-"You... saw them?" -I asked him, not believing him at all-. "When? How?" -I took another sip-.

-"Because vision, Sean. They watching us now" -Penny said-.

-"That would be shit for me and Anders to lose the job" -Ingrid said-. "The cash is good for us to travel."

-"So... then... where's your next pit stop?" -I asked her-. 

-"We want to see all the cowboys in Austin... But we spent too much money so far. Traveling is expensive" -She said. We kept chatting until i decided to search for Daniel and (y/n)-.

-"Oh, uhm... did anybody see Daniel and (y/n)? I haven't seen them this morning..." -I asked them-. 

-"I saw them walking with Finn. They were headed to the lake." -Ingrid said and i smiled at her-. 

-"Thanks, Ingrid. I... better see what they're up to." -I stood up and went to search him to the lake. 

"What the fuck, man! You're awesome!"

"Yes you are, Daniel! You're so good at this!" 

"Come on, once again!"

"YES! I fucking rule!"

I saw them doing a target practice. I saw (y/n) and she was looking beautiful with her long hair and her sport clothes Ingrid borrowed her. She has been pretty close to Finn, which it makes me... jealous. I mean, they're always laughing at each others jokes, and even sometimes Finn borrows his jacket to her, not gonna lie she looks really cute with it. But she would be cuter with my hoddie on.

(y/n)'s pov.

i don't remember how long we've been here. It's kinda nice, but... Daniel and Sean's relationship haven't gone so well this time, they're always arguing, and that hurts me, they're not as close as they used to be before.

-"What's up, guys?" -I heard Sean's voice and looked at him. His shaggy hair makes him looks so cute and hot at the same time-. "Morning target practice?" -I nodded at his question-. 

-"Six bullseyes. In a row. Kid is a fucking ninja". -Finn said while hugging Sean-. "Hey, we didn't want to wake up your sleepy ass up..."

-"Yeah..." -Sean said while Daniel was looking irritated at Sean's presence-. "Thank you for that." You okay, Daniel?" -Sean asked him-.

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora