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-Oh, there you are, Sean! -Claire stepped in with her Purple jacket-. Looks like she's about to go out. Got the key? Hey. I have to go out and run some errands... Can you do me a big favor? Do you know how to work a washing machine? -She asked while i nodded-.

-Since i was about 8 -i smiled at her-.

-Of course... Can you throw in yours and your brother's clothes after the next load? They're in the bathroom basket.

-Totally, yeah. -I nodded-. No problem.

-Thanks so much... Feel free to keep on tidying your stuff, too, it's good for the health to keep the house clean. -She said-.

-Definitely. Daniel and (y/n) can help. -I explained-.

-Don't worry about her, Sean. She has already done her part, she's pretty clean. Oh, and remember, for your own safety, no phone and no internet. I know, i know, boring rules...

-Don't worry, Claire -i said and she closed the door-. Hey, Daniel! There's work for you! -i said in a sarcastic tone-.

-Uh, no! I'm busy! -Daniel said-.

-Busy my ass! Come over here! -I yelled at him-.

-You gotta find me and (y/n) first! -what the hell (y/n) has to do with this?. I sighed. Jeez... You know i'm gonna find u both! -I yelled and started to search around. I went upstairs, i looked closely behind the door and (y/n) was hidding there, she couldn't see me because she was looking at the other direction-. GOTCHA! -I yelled and grabbed her hand-.

-SHI-! How the hell did you find me so fast! -She pouted and i laughed-.

-I could hear your breath, cowgirl, you don't know anything about hidding spots, i win! -I said and she laughed and gently hit my shoulder-.

-You haven't. Yet, you still gotta find Daniel, remember?

-And YOU are gonna tell me he is?.

-Nah-ah, no way, loverboy. Unless... you give me a kiss. That's the only way i'm going to tell you where he is. -I blushed at her comment-. A kiss?

-W-what? a kiss? Uh. Sure... -i answered-. Alright... -i leaned closed to her-.

-J-Jeez! i was teasing, city boy! You're super cute. -She said and i instantly felt embarassed, again-.

-what... You suck, (y/n)! -I pretended to not be surprised and smiled-. Play it cool, Sean.

-Accept you wanted to actually kissed me. -She giggled-. Aren't you supposed to find Daniel? -She asked-.

-Right... -i sighed and walked ot ouf the room and looked back at (y/n) who was leaning on the door and crossing her arms. I rolled my eyes and she smiled evily. I walked towards the bathroom-. Danieeel? -i asked and started to look around. I started to approach the bathtub curtain-.

-I know you're in there... -i said and i opened the curtain- GOTCHA -i hear (y/n) laughing and saw an object floating-. what the-. -The object instantly stopped floating and fell down-.

-BEHIND YOU! -Daniel said gently pushing me and i looked at him in surprise, placing my hands in my chest-. Yeah, very funny -i said and started to play with him-.

-We totally got you, Sean! -(y/n) said while walking to us-.

-More like you lose, you lost, remember? -I said and crossed my arms while looking at her with my eyebrows raised-.

-I- shut up! -She blushed-.

-Next time i'll help you finding a good hidding spot, (y/n)! so we can beat Sean together! -Daniel said and (y/n) ruffled his hair while smiling at him-. Of course, lil dude! We will kick his ass.

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