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"Lies. They were all lies!" 

Heyyy! You may ask why am i updating too much lately? it's because i want to finish this story as soon as possible. Ok let's continueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

2 months later.

-Hey, Sean... i'm sorry... i didn't mean to. It was a bad idea.

-Daniel... no way... it's all good. 

-Wish i'd listened... when you tried to stop me from going with Finn...

-I was too pissed...

-It's okay, dude. You're my brother and that's all that counts.

-So... why don't you come and get me?

-Don't get so close to that edge! 

-Why did you lie to me, Sean...? i thought you loved me...


-Please. Come and get us...

-Yes, i swear! 

(Daniel grabs (y/n) hand's and they both lean backwards)

-STOP! -i woke up scared. I looked around and realized i was still on the hospital. Fuck. Daniel, (y/n). I keep having these nightmare since i came out of the coma... why did i lie to her? Everything would be ok if i didn't agree with that stupid plan. I fuck everything up... (no u don't 🥺)

Can't believe they still want me to go to Jolena Shore... i didn't do anything, fucked up they want to also blame it on Daniel... i need to get out of here...

-Good day, sunshine. -I heard Joey's voice entering the room. Joey is the only person who has cheered me up these days. Don't know what would i do without him. Everyone else don't give a fuck about me-.

-Hey, Joey... -I greeted him and he approached me placing the tray on the table-. 

-That looks like it might have been food... hard to tell... -He sat down in front of me-. 

-Ha ha, never heard that before. -I said in a weak tone-. 

-Oh, somebody is in a bad mood. -Joey said-. 

-Sorry, Joey... not feeling it today... -I affirmed-.

-I don't blame you. -He says-.But maybe i got something to cheer you up. -He says while he shows off a small piece of chocolate. Love it-. 

-Pecans and chocolate? -I said while he was handing me the candy, until he leaned his arm backwards. I knew what was he intended to do and i smirked at him-. 

-There's that smile! -He handed me the candy and smiled. I began to eat it while thanking him-.

He just began to do those early tests for my eye. Good, now i was a "Patient clear" Like the fucking police is gonna believe me.

Agent Flores came into the room. I felt irritated by the fact she's gonna tell the fucking same sorry. "We couldn't find Daniel" "We're tracking him" "Daniel was involved" fuck off. 

-Listen close, Sean. Tomorrow you're going to Jolena Shore and you'll be arraigned in court... -She said and i felt irritated-. For the murder of a Seattle police officer. I didn't do shit! I didn't hurt anyone!-. You might spend the rest of your life in prision... or you can talk to me.

-I'm innocent until proven guilty, right? -I said-. 

 -And i believe that. That's why i want you to tell me the whole truth... Yeah, right. The only thing you want to do is blame it on me and Daniel.

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora