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Last night was amazing. Seeing the view on the canon was just beautiful. Never thought Arizona was this gorgeous. It was really nice that Karen let us stay in here. "Away" Never thought that living this life was going to be... chill. Me, Sean and Daniel are living our best life in here and we love It so much. Daniel can use his powers freely and no one cares about it. They just... don't give a shit. Daniel also helps Joan with her sculptures.

-"Hey, (y/n), Sean, wake up!" -Daniel called us out-.

-"What?" -Sean replied lazily and Daniel insisted-. "Dude, come on!" i could barely open my eyes-. "What time is it?" -Sean asked while looking around and noticed how beautiful the sunset-.

-"Get up!" -Daniel said while standing up and Sean placing a kiss on my forehead in sign to get up with them too-. "It's so beautiful, check it out!" -Daniel said while i was finally getting my lazy ass up, and so did Sean, but he was holding my hand. We reached the cliff's border to appreciate more the view-.

-"It's really gorgeous" -I said while staring at the sunset and the beautiful colors that were in it-.

-"So?" -Daniel smirked and looked at Sean pointing at the amazing view and Sean left out a light laugh-.

-"Yeah, Okay, good call" -He answered-. "Wow... that's amazing..." -He said-.

-"I know" -Daniel answered. We stood quiet until Sean started to scratch his eye, Daniel looked at him worried-.

-"Is your eye okay?" -He asked-.

-"Yeah. It just itches". -Sean answered and Daniel just seemed really worried about it-.

-"It's okay, enano." -Sean kneeled down and placed his hand on Daniel's shoulder and smiled at him assuring him that everything was alright-.


-"Promise". -Sean said-.

-"Yeah, uh, okay" -Daniel hugged Sean and i felt how my heart was slowly warming up, watching them together again it's just- gorgeous, the only thing i could do was stare at them smiling, i kinda feel like the third wheel sometimes, but i don't complain. As long as they're together im the most happiest person alive-.

-"I love you, no matter what happens, you hear me?"

-"Yeah... I love you too".

Daniel started to howl and Sean continued. They looked at me to Join them but i refused. This was their moment for now.

They both sat down again. Sean wraping his arm around my waist and me, happy, as always. Me and Sean asked Daniel if he was still having those nightmares about Lisbeth. He said no, even clarified that Lisbeth deserved being killed. We kept talking, until it was time to go and started to pack. We turned back to "Away" and Daniel went with Joan. Me and Sean just went back to Karen's truck to leave our stuff in it and give back Stanley and Arthur their telescope back. They're so nice, and i really love spending time with them, we all do-.

-"Oh, hey, a note"-I said while we were approaching the truck's door. Sean started to read it-.

-"Went to town for weekly supplies. Some pancakes left in the kitchen" -Sean smirked and this-. "Back soon". -He finished reading the note and smiled while he unpacked the telescope out of his backpack-.

-"Great, crazy, i was actually craving some pancakes..." -I said and he looked at me smiling-.

-"Good, too bad i don't have to eat you for breakfast this time, lame" -He said and i laughed-.

-"What?" -I asked him confused-.

-"Just... Ladies first." -He said while opening the door and i enter the truck-. "Hold on, i gotta call Daniel for breakfast"

-"Okay" -I said as he came outside and i dropped myself in the bed, soooo comfy-.

In just a minute, Sean came back in to the truck and he smiled at me

-"What? You're not gonna breakfast, fox girl?" -He said and i smiled-.

-"Shut up. Where's Daniel?"

-"Yeah. He's not coming, he's taking breakfast at Joan. You know what that means?" -He said while raising his eyebrowns and i smirked-.

-"N-" -I didn't even finish my sentence until he just jumped in the bed with me and started to tickle me-. "S-Sean! s-stop please!" -I begged him while laughing at his touch and he could only laugh evily, until he stopped-.

-"You're such an idiot!" -I yelled at him and he smiled-.

-"Come on, let's breakfast, or i'll change my mind about eating you". -He said, i rolled my eyes and got up to breakfast with him. We finished and walked towards Stephen and Arthur to give them their telescope back-.

-Hey, Sean, (Y/n)! Morning! -They both greeted us and we smiled as we both held hands and walked towards them-.

-"Hey, guys!" -I said as i sit down and Sean followed me. Arthur handed us some coffee. We started to talk about how we spent the night on the canon and Stanley's daughter-.

-"So...? I seemed that you guys are officially dating?" -Stanley looked at us and me and Sean started at each other smiling-.

-"Duh! For almost two weeks! You guys haven't notice?" -I asked and they smiled surprised-.

-"I'm so glad to hear that!" -Arthur affirmed while looking at Stanley-. "You guys totally remind us when we first met and fell in love" -He said and they both kissed, i smiled in awe, i just really love seeing them together. Sean held my hand and my smile just grew bigger-.

-"Guys. We... need to check out what Daniel is doing" -Sean said and they looked at us-.

-"Sure!" -Stanley and Arthur affirmed-.

-"But thanks for the dessert brew!" -I said as we head to Joan's. Daniel and her were trying to make a new sculpture and they wanted us to help. We accepted the help and just in a few minutes we finished it and Joan and Daniel were satisfied with it. We took a small break, Daniel started to chat with Joan about Minecraft, me and Sean just started to walk around until Daniel called us out through his walkie talkie-.

-"Superwolf to El diazblo loco and Fox Girl... copy? I hid something super cool for you both to find. Will you accept this quest to find my secret treasure?"

-"10-4, hell yeah! Arghh!" -I answered"-.

-"Yes! Thanks, (Y/n)"

Unreal (Sean Diaz)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora