Their personalities

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Now Phil and his Brothers and the Slav Bros are grown up

Soviet is still alive

Everyone in Russia and the allied forces knows about Phil and his Brothers' and Soviets sons' dangerousness they are not to be messed with they are all respected and everyone is scared of them altho the least they are scared of are Belarus and Phil

They call phil nice but don't ever make a wrong move or else. He is a typical sunshine boii loves to sing smile cook he's nice loves animals and helps other people and still smiles although a bit strict when at the army.

Belarus is less violent although mess with his potatoes and he will make you regret ever being born.

Ukraine is a tsundere calm emotionless doesn't give a F until you mess with him.

Kazakhstan is a pretty good guy also likes to cook and loves flying around and gloating about his wings he only allows Phil to go on his back and he will fly.

In this AU no one knows why but Phil is light as a feather and is still small

Russia violent likes to pick fights emotionless as f cold af don't smile
Tall and strong af will break your neck if you make him angry stubborn and only smiles around his Sunshine.

Martial Cocky as ever will shoot you if angered and will shoot you for fun has sharp teeth will bite a sadist is a total D sometimes o we protective as hell with his bro phil cusses 24/7 love to drink likes to play with you/mind games.

Del a cool dude, nice, Calm, a player, gives no shiesta sometimes, over protective brother for phil, still wanna kill SE, talk shiesta about his family or country he'll cut off your tounge.

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