Russia's promise

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Russ has made thousands
of promises, but there is one that he can't ever forget.

This was back when Phil and his brothers have only came here (Russia) a few days ago.

Russia and his siblings knows
A lot of secret places, from Beautiful
Viewing sights to Beautiful lakes.

Back then, just like other royals do.
Like ame, Canada and others.
They have one thing in common
That they can absolutely do.

Most royals in the past can
Meet a beautiful young lady,
Mostly when they are Children
And they can right there and then
Say "when we grow up I will make
You my wife" or "when we grow
Up will you bey wife?"

It happens a lot with love at first sight.
And for them it's Serious and it's not a
Joke. So if a young prince asks the young princess or lady, it is
Something Serious and they
Will most likely end up getting
Married in the future.

And most of the ladies and princesses
Agree to the proposal. Even if the
Younger brother of the prince wants
To marry the princess, they have no
Choice. It's who ever gets first.

Whomever says it to the princess
First and make her agree, will be the one who she shall marry.

While Phil is so distracted by the Beautiful flowers around them, mostly chamomiles Because he thinks they are cute Because they are so small.

Russia takes a deep breath. He's very confident now. Behind Phil he says.
"P-Phil!" Phil then turns around.

"Yes Kuya Ruski?"
With a bright smile of an
Angel making Russia redder than he already is.

"W-when we grow up w-will
Will you be my wife?!!"

Russia says, creating a
Very awkward silence between them.

Phil has no expression on
His face, just a blank stare.this
Is making russia extremely

He believes that Phil
Does not agree.

He hears Phil say, making him look at Phil with a bright smile.

Phil adds.

Russia feels like his heart just broke into a million pieces. Now he Knows what a heart break feels like....

Phil Comes closer to Russia.

Then he gives him a flower.
Russia is confused with Phil's

"My parents always told me
That love is when you are happy
When you see them and when you
Are with them, and you will do
Anything and everything for them
And for their safety,"

Phil says.

Phil then looks at Russ with a bright smile.

"I know you can do that for me,
You can keep me safe, and I am
Happy when I'm with you, can't
You do everything to keep me safe
Russ?I know you can do it,
And so if you can, then I will be
Your Asawa"

Phil says with a big bright smile. Russia's heart can't stop pounding. "Ofcourse I will keep you safe! And I will make you the happiest person on earth!" Russ says promising.

"Then, Mahal Rin kita!"
Phil says.

"Mahal? Expensive?"

The moment just became very awkward.

"No ruski, Mahal kita means I love you!"

"Oh.... Then YA lyublyu tebya"

Phil just smiles at him.

"I love you" Phil says.

They both fell asleep on the grass, their siblings didn't want to wake them sit hey let them sleep.

Then they came back late, very late, therefore they got scolded by a soldier and that soldier got scolded by Soviet.

-fast forward to the Future-

Russia is reading a book, while sitting on the bed with glasses on. He's just reading, then Phil comes in the room and he sits on the bed beside Russia.

"Hey Ruski"

"Yeah?" Russ is focused on his book do he's not looking at Phil.

Phil is getting annoyed he doesn't like being ignored but he's not technically ignored.

"All these years but you still have not full filled your promise" Phil says while looking at his engagement ring that he is wearing.

Russia closes his book
"What do you mean? Have I not been taking care of our countries well? Did your country go to number 2? Or 3???"
Russia is so confused and worried.

"No dummy...."

"All these years and I'm still not your wife" Phil says.

Russia cannot believe his ears..... He's so happy that phil remembered but.... They are going to get married soon enough.

Russia grabs Phil by the waist and he sounds him around in Excitement, they both laugh but after a while, Phil grips on Russia's Shirt.

"Put me down you Slav or I will crush your ****"

Russia's immediately puts Phil down, he's still in love as ever. And Phil is still a s fiesty as ever.

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