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America POV

I stand in my office looking out the window. There's so much bombs and the soldiers are training. Also the airmen are preparing.

With all my soldiers ready. And we have much bombs and our weapons are strong.

How can they be against us. Pathetic.
I will win this war. And I will have The Philippines. And the most precious treasure Philippines instead.

After I conquer him I'll change the name to Only Philippines. Ugh why does Soviet have to rename the country to Soviet Philippines.

They don't see the Country's full potential. So many minerals and Oil.

If they only know how to properly manage, the Soviet Philippines should have been more advanced by now.

They are stupid if they think they will win. (Cough the same thing SE said before a few hours later boom he ded) "Sir" someone said.

I turn around see one of the Generals.
"What?" I wait in a cold tone. He is interrupting me. "Sir why do you not want to kill Mr. Philippines, why do you want him to be alive?" The general said.

"Are you questioning my actions?" I say. I can see that the general is trembling now. "N-No s-sir please forgive me" he said. I can't help but laugh. He looks so pathetic.

On the floor begging. He's a general and yet he looks like a coward right now sigh what a waste he was one of the best I have.

"Why you ask?" I say. And he looks up at me still scared I can tell. "Because, I want his Country, they don't see all the potentials, and it will be she's to replace him" I say.

I can tell that he's very confused. "If you wish to go against my order I will have you killed, now anymore questions?" I say Coldy. "N-No S-sir you are very right i-i will leave now" the general said before Running away.

"This will be fun" I say. I will certainly win this. Get ready Philippines.

I have help from other countries aswell because I know you'll get help from those Russians.

I will have your country

America says before laughing manically.

Phil POV

The war is getting closer. And The soldiers are training harder. With the help of the Russia and his brothers and Uncle Soviet we have more soldiers now.

And we have more weapons. We might not be as advanced as America. But we also have bombs. And I made sure to make traps.

The war shall occur here. And we must be ready and be alert all the time. Who knows when he might Suddenly bomb us.

Not Just soldiers. but we also have airmen and sailors.

I not only have help from the Russians but also from Canada and Germany. And the others.

Get ready America.

I might not be able to kill you America but I will show you hell.

I won't let you take my country and hurt my live ones. I would rather die.

Russia POV

Sunshine has my Help and the help of my Brothers and others aswell.

I know for damn sure that that American also will get help form the other countries.

I won't let him hurt Sunshine, No never over my dead body.

I know that this War has an agreement that they cant kill each other but. I know Sunshine is Willing to die.

He will commit Suicide rather than see us suffer.

I won't let that happen.


We have been preparing for days. And the war is just around the corner.

I will make sure that Sunshine wins.

I can't let America take Sunshine away from me.

If Sunshine dies I would be Happy to die with him.

But no I won't let that happen. I will make sure Sunshine is alive as long as I'm alive.

Get ready America

I will make your life a living hell if you dare Touch Sunshine

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