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Phil wakes up in a  room.... A hospital? What is this? New technology? What is this? America, Russia and others goes in the room looking happy that he is awake.
"Phil! Oh thank God you are awake!" Russia says and cries and hugs Phil. "W-what?" Phil asks he is so confused. Then he seen a ring on his finger and on Russia's finger. "What happened?" Phil asks Confused. "You got in a coma 3 years ago..... On 2037" America says and makes Philip so so confused.

"What about the w-" Phil stops his sentence and everything comes back to him. He dreamed about the past...... That was the past..... And this is the future.....
He then remembers that new technology got made when time flew by. After the war Russia and Him started to hang out more while training troops. And after some years it's 2000 something and Russia Confessed that he likes Philip. Phil agreed and that's why Phil has a ring and Russia has a ring. He remembers while they were out in the mall talking about what cake and what the clothes should be for their wedding the mall got bombed and debris collapsed on Phil and  caused him to be in a coma and made them post pone their wedding.

Phil blinks twice and Malay asks "Phil did you loose your memories?" Phil replied with "I didn't.... I remember all of you and I just remembered what happened..... But  almost all of my memories after work war 2 has been erased but I remember that I made a promise" they all are confused on what Phil promised. "What promise?" Kazakhstan asked. "The promise that I will marry Russia" Phil says with a smile. America is kinda jealous but he learned to let go of it.... Kinda.... Well he is kinda sad still but he won't break up the two. Russia blushes because of what Phil said. Russia kisses Phil on the forehead and hugs him.

After 4 days Phil learned to walk but Russia is always there to carry him. Once Phil got out they brought him to Moscow. Because they are in Russia After all. Philip breathes in heavily and he breaths out and he remembers some of the memories they had here. "How are you feeling Phil?" Indo asks. "I m fine...." He replies. Phil is kinda shaken up because he was just remembering the past or was he really in the past and it wasn't a dream?....... Owo...... Phil snaps out and goes back to reality when ame asked him a question. "Hey Phil can you hear me?" "Eh? Ah yes sorry". "What is it like? America asks. Phil turns around looking at the American confused. "what?" Phil asks not getting his question. "What is it like being in a coma for 3 years? did you hear everything?" America asked curious. Phil opened his mouth a bit and smiled. "I dreamed of the past.... and it felt real.... from the moment our father died to the World war 2" everyone looks at Phil confused and curious to what he meant. 

"How did it feel real when it is just a dream?" Nada asks. "I re lived the past every second from the moment we watched our father die to the World war 2..... remember Ame when Japan Empire slashed my shoulder deep? well it hurt..... after the war when we won i passed out and i woke up in the hospital, i was really confused about what are these new technologies and where i was, but when I saw our rings and you guys said i got in a coma on 2037, That is when i remembered that after the war Russia and i hung out more and that our countries developed over the years, it all came back to me, and i then remember the day that we were picking out things for our wedding that's when i got in a coma" Phil says and everyone is stunned. they never heard a person that got in a coma not hearing a word from the present and it felt like they re lived the past but it is just a dream.

Phil dreamed of the past and every second of it. But it was just a dream and those happened years ago. they will plan their wedding again. Phil did forget about some of the modern things we do today like how to drive and what are his passwords but some he still remembers like how to type hot to use his gadgets although he might not be able to open them ever again because he does not know his passwords..... and the most important thing....... 'He never forgot how his love for Russia is' once he saw their rings all the love came back to him and the happy modern times memories with Russia. They now live peacefully...... and Phil acts as the mother that batoks the children or hit them with a chancla of they try to do WWIII. Del and Martial are still alive and they take care of the Philippines if Russia and Phil goes out for a date or a vacation in Moscow or Saint Petersburg.

All this time the story that we are following was just a dream of the past. it already happened years ago..... it was Phil's realistic dream  of the past......... of did he really go back in the past and relived every second without remembering any memories from the future? No it was just a realistic dream..... where he felt the pain........ in the dream it felt like he lived or was in a coma for 300+ years, but in truth he was only in a coma for 3 years. all ended well......... not for Ame because Phil chose Russia instead of him and Reich and Soviet died....... 

I thank you all for reading my story Soviet Philippines. Thank you all for reading and voting. I am really happy that at least some people read my story :). Sadly the story has come to an end. The ending and twist is that Phil just dreamed of the past :). I hope some liked it and enjoyed? sorry for my cringe story :) Till we all meet again in the next book 

i will be finishing  You are so beautiful book since it has an ending ;) if someone wants to read it. i wanna say thank you again for reading my book until now. 

i hope you guys understand the ending. and yeah they will soon get married.

-Talkative author (June 25,2020)

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