I'm not f****ng innocent b**"h

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Phil got awoken from his sleep by a loud bang. Sounds like the door got forcefully opened. Phil slept in his uniform and sitting on his chair his head on his desk. He groans and opens his eyes his eyebags are really deep now. America comes to Philip quickly.

"PHIL THERES A BIG PROBLEM" Phil then sat properly but looking annoyed and tired as hell. AME goes closer to Philip looking panicked and Great Britain, Russia, Soviet, France, and China also comes in with a worried expression. "What's the problem" Phil asks.

"Japan Empire is one of the axis members and they're planning to take over the world and kill Soviet Because Soviet wouldn't join them" ame says "we don't want you to be affected by our conflict" Britain says. "Yes although Japan Empire seems to be targeting you" France says worried.

"Oh so it's the bastard that attacked us Yesterday" Phil says not having it. "What he attacked yesterday?!" Russia says supprised. "How did you get him to leave?" Ame asks. "I kicked him in the balls" Phil says serious and everyone got quiet. Russia and Soviet laughed at what Phil said.

"And we're here to tell you to join the allies Phil" Russia says. And ofcourse Phil would agree because Soviet and Russia joined. "Ok" Phil says. "Great now we'll accompany you and help you get Protected from Japan Empire" Great Britain says.

"So what do you plan to do Phil?" China asks. "Nuke him I'll bomb Hiroshima with little boy the atomic bomb Ame gave me"
Phil says. "OH HELL YEAH NOW WERE TALKING" Ame says excited. "If you wish then well support you sunshine" Russia says. "BOMB? isn't there another peaceful way except war and this?" Great Britain says and everyone looks at him with disbelief.

"Dad you got In wars before this and your a fighter why would you chose the nice way?!!" Ame says. "Well I agree with them dear" France says. And so it's settled Philip with bomb Hiroshima if Japan Empire takes foot again on his land. After a few hours the lights went out.

And everyone became alert. Soviet, Russia, Phil and ame took out a gun. Then the lights went back on when Japan Empire came to them. His katana is out. "Hello Philip have you made up your mind?" Japan Empire says. "Yes i did" "very well then we I have this thing and it will signal my troops to bomb pearl harbor if you refuse"

"WHAT YOU LITTLE SH*T" ame says and gets held by his mother. "I have this that alerts my troops to bomb Hiroshima" Phil says serious. Japan Empire just laughs Because he knows Phil doesent really make strong bombs so he presses the button. "NOOOOOOO" Ame shouts and he tells Phil "PHIL DO IT NOW"

They all have a wide grin and chuckles.
"I'm not f***ing innocent b***h" Phil says  then Phil presses the button. Japan Empire left running and also America to see their damages. And so the rest makes a a plan to win the war. Sooner or later Nazi will commence a war. Nazi and Soviet had a falling out and so the two aren't in good shape so they will start a war to kill eachother.

They all know that Soviet and Nazi won't stop till the other dies and so everyone is worried about Soviet. "Are you sure about this dad?" Russia says. Anf Soviet nods. "There's always a price in Victory" Soviet says. "Well then the best of luck to everyone were in word war two after all"

America returns but with someone else. "Who is that?" Phil asks. "This is Japan, Japan Empire's son" ame says. "So like Spain?" Phil asks. "Yes like Spain" Russia says. "What? No I'm not like that wierdo" Japan says. "Ofcourse not your Asian, what I mean is Spain wants to kill his own father and so do you?"

Phil says and Japan nods "yes my father has gone to far" Japan says. The allies continue to devise a plan.

While in the axis. "Nazi the little sh*t bombed me" Japan Empire said to Nazi. "Well we're in  word war 2 after all so get ready facist Italy and Japan Empire were going to war"

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