Do we have a deal?

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The two countries look at eachother. Not saying a word.

Phil doesn't trust the American one bit.

"What do you want?!!!" Phil says very cautious.

"All I want is to have a little chat with you, I want to make a deal" the American said. And then turned around.

"What deal?" Phil asked ready to shoot this a hole if he tries something funny.

The American then turned his head to the side. "You'll see I'll go to you again on********" then walked away and snapped his fingers and a of the Americans left.

Not looking back.

Phil then went back to his office. Something doesent feel right about what he said. What does he mean by deal?

There must be something going on.
This must not be a normal deal. If he wants to trade or become allies. Why does he give off such a strong aura.

There must be something wrong. If not a trade. And he doesn't seem like he wants to be allies. Then what?

What is that As-

Phil POV

I get started when I feel someone behind me. So I suddenly grab a gun from my desk and point it at the person.

My eyes widened. It's russia "HOW THE FREAK DID YOU GET HERE RUSSIA"
I asked practically screaming.

"Surprise sunshine" he says "Russia have you forgotten that we are raised by the powerful man Soviet, I almost shot you" I tell him with a bush are you serious face.

"I know I know I'm crazy but  sorry but I Mis- I mean I heard that America has been here, what did he do?" Russia says finally becoming serious.

"I don't trust that American I know he's planning something, he said he wants to make a deal here on *****"
I tell Russia.

"Good you don't trust that blyat, I don't either, He went to us aswell because he joined the Allies" Russia tells me

"Russia I need you as back up, he might have counted my soldiers and so I need you to come here on****** and no one must know and bring more soldiers" I tell him.

"Understood sunshine, Do you want me to kill him?" Russia asks me.

"No he hasn't done anything yet..., So there's no point in that" I tell him. If we blindly try to kill him. We might start a world war.

That won't be good. We still have some buildings to be built. If we have a war then we'll be bombed.

I think of that and that won't be so good.

The following days The Philippines has been more guarded. And the people are guarded 24/7.

And they also have been preparing bombs just in case.

Phil has been trying not to get intimidated and not to get stressed over that American.

And also Del has been training the soldiers harder. And Martial is now with Phil 24/7.

They are on high alert.

Finally the day has come. Now everyone is more cautious. More soldiers. And also Russia is In the Philippines.

Phil is waiting for the American to arrive. In the meeting room.

America is now close to the Philippines. He has an awfully evil smirk.

Once he arrived many Soldiers were there guarding. He expected this to happen.

But he didn't care. Men follow holding suitcases. On the way to Philip's place. No one was outside. Everyone was inside. Every door has two soldiers beside them.

The American did not expect Philip to be this Protective.

Finally Ame arrived in the building. It is very big. And heavily guarded.

And outside had Flags of Phil's family and the Soviet Family.

He couldn't lie he was pretty impressed. The interior was unique.

Many paintings of Phil's mother and Father. And many Sun Markings everywhere.

He went up the stairs. And every step and every rail was clean like it was newly made.

'Such a clean freak' he thought and chuckled.

The men that were following him stare in awe Because of the greatness of this Building.

And he arrived at the Black double doors with Golden handles. The doors then got opened by some guards and he walked in.

There he saw Philip waiting. "Take a seat" Phil said Coldy as of trying to intimidate the American.

America did get a bit intimidated but he managed to get him composure.

Both of them are now sitting.

"What is it the deal that you want America?" Phil said with the same cold voice.

"I have taken a liking to tour Country
It's very beautiful and has many resources, I want to Buy this country from you, or Be partners with you, I'll give you money but I can make factories here and no share to you. And I can make my mines here. How does $900,000,000 sound to you?" America proposes his deal

Before America can say another word. Phil stands up and slams his hands on the table. He cracks it.

Ame got a bit scared. He knows that Phil is very protective. But damn this is too much. $900,000,000 is a lot.

"So you came here to buy my country or try and harvest some materials? You must be insane if you think I would budge, I don't care how much money you give me, I. WON'T. EVER. GIVE. MY. COUNTRY. AWAY."

Phil says. "Well then if you won't budge I will take this country by force, I will give you 7 days to think it over, I won't hurt your People if you do the deal, (nah  we all know what Happened after that) but if you don't, Then. Prepare. For. War. I will enslave your people and Also you, I won't kill you, no killing each other in this war, got that pip?, I will kill Everyone you love, Now. Think" America Gives his speech and leaves.

Phil didn't hesitate even once to choose to have a war. He rather die protecting his Country. Rather thank to Cower and take pieces of paper called money.

His parents' deaths are not just going to waste. Suffer the fate his parents did. Or cower in fear and take the loss by handing over his country.

He rather die.

Del, Martial and Russia are waiting outside. And the doors open.

To reveal Phil standing infront of the door.

"What's the plan Bother?" Martial asks Phil.

"We. Are. Going. To. War." Phil says.
And the three understood what America's deal to Phil was.

The three nod. They understand. They would rather die with Phil. Than let this country go to the American and Hurt the people.

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