oh no "we failed the war" pt. 2

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Wellp back to the story.........


The guns went off

Once the gunshot was heard Everyone started to charge at eachother.

Shooting eachother. Stabbing each other. Goin at eachother like savages.

Del and Martial killing people left and right. Cutting off their heads, Slicing their bodies in half, Stabbing people to death, Shooting people in the head, In the stomach, IN THE GR-

The war is very grousome more than the last war.........

The traps worked The bombs and traps that Phil had set up worked. Their Enemies' blood flowing from their bodies, Blood everywhere like it was raining blood......

America wasn't happy about that. But he knew that the three spies were here and will get the job done.......

Little did he know there wasn't any. To hey have been killed already.

He also had some tricks up his sleeve. He ordered his men to drop bombs not just this Place where the war is happening.

but also in other places in the Philippines like the other cities and villages.

So many are injured and died from those bombs.

The innocent people who are just hiding in their houses waiting for the war to pass. Died and Injured, children and adults got affected.

All those houses destroyed. Innocent people died. Mothers died with their children in their arms, Families dead leaving children orphans, and Parents left crying and injured at the sight of their lifeless Children's bodies.

This Made Philip angry. This made his Blood Boil in anger.

He just kept killing Everyone. Shooting and Slicing them. TeArInG tHeM aPaRt.

Blood spattered everywhere

America then gave a sign meaning activate the bombs and get Philippines.

But to his surprise there were no bombs that exploded. No one went up to them that is wearing a Philippine soldier outfit.

America looks surprised and shocked. Phil saw that America looked shocked at the fact that his plan was spoiled.

Phil looked at america and Smirked and chuckled. America heard Phil Chuckle and looked at him, America understood that Phil Had already taken care of the spies.

Then While America was still a bit vulnerable Phil Attacked America with his sword.

America was quick enough to block his attack.

America was loosing now. His ego Bruised.

Phil kicked America in the stomach and America groaned in pain.

Phil raided his Sword in the air, he was about to stab America but he remembered that he can't kill him.

So Phil quickly tackled America on the ground. Phil holding America's Hands tightly.

Then Phil quickly took a knife from his pocket that Russia gave him and aligned it on America's neck.

"You **** say that you loose and u won't slice your neck" Phil says to the American Threatening him.

America was hesitating he doesn't want to loose, he was gonna say never

But Phil put the knife closer to his neck. Making a shallow wound.

America then gave up and shouted "FINE FINE I GIVE UP YOU WIN"

with that scream the war stopped.
Everyone turned to them. America's soldiers dropped their weapons and put their hand on the air.

The soldiers of Philip put their weapons in the air and cheered "MABUHAY ANG PILIPINAS"

Now they are won their sides again.
Phil and America looking at eachother.

"You win Phil, now what do you want me to do"

"Simple, I can't take your life so you need to pay us back for all the damage you caused"

"Fine I'll go back here and give money fine I'm sorry and ok ok I won't try to take the Philippines let's be allies"

Phil put his hand on the air and America looked at him and sighed.

America took Phil's hand and shook his hand and both of them said "we have a deal"

Once again they have peace in the Philippines. America kept his promise and gave money to pay for all the damages and for the injuries.

They became allies and had trading and business.

All went well, now that that was done.

Everything is at peace now

Russia goes to Phil like everyday and is getting more possessive as FU- yes it does creep the others out sometimes.

Even with his brothers his Protective as FU- cuz he suspects Kazakhstan having a crush with Phil.

Every Trading Russia goes there and acts like a bodyguard cough like cough cough a boyfriend cough

Phil doesent know why Russia is doing this but Almost everyone knows. Even some of the soldiers.

And sometimes Russia gives Phil Chamomiles. Phil doesent think anything of it.

But the others know why ;)

And also America is developing a crush for Phil. And thats why AME and Russia hates eachother.


Another one failed, that silly American. But he can't go against me..... Hahahahhahahhahaha

This is the good end well kinda there's another boss ahead 😉

Till the next chapter guys


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