Who the Fuq are you

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Aight now I have inspiration XD 😂 the plot thickens at the ending kinda welp should I end this? I'm running out of ideas

Phil POV

Wierd Japanese? I don't have a Japanese Ally.......
I don't mess with the Japanese...........
Wierd this letter is signed by JE?
Who's JE
*Knock* *knock* *knock*
"Come in" my secretary comes in....
It's late it shouldn't be time for more paperwork
"What is is Juana?"
"Sir someone put this here with your name on it" Juana gives me a letter same appearance as the other one....
"Thank you Juana you can leave"

My secretary left and I look at it and sighed. Is this a prank or what?. I just got the information that the words in Japanese meant happy Valentine's day.
Whose pranking me? Is this a joke?. I rub my temples in frustration. I just finished every work and I'm still very tired and frustrated. I so who is this Japanese A**hole. They think this is funny?.

Then suddenly the lights went out. Now I've had enough. I'm so irritated and I swear I'll kick them on the balls. I grab matches and a candlestick. And I light it. Now I have a light. Ofcourse you think I'm just gonna walk around freakin weaponless? No your wrong I grab my shot gun Russia gave me. I'm sick of these jokes. So I go and load my shot gun and go and see what's the problem.

I've Protected my Country and won the wars. And now I'm not letting anymore of my people get hurt. I remembered what America did and so I'm doing it to next people who dares attack me. I go out of my office ofcourse in cautious. I go downstairs slowly but then I hear my secretary scream and so I run down the stairs quickly. I go slowly in the room where I heard the scream and I blow out the candle and I cautiously go in with my shotgun ready to shoot.

Then a body rolls Beside me. It's my guard Jose oh no He's dead!. Then the lights turn back on. My eyes widened in shock my employees all brutally murdered and my secretary is bleeding half dead. I look at the man he seems to be planning on taking over my country. He has a katana with him and I'm sure he's not a novice. "Hello there Philippines~" he says to me. Is he trying to flirt or not. If he is I'll either shoot him in the balls oh wait he'll die fine on the arm I guess or I'll kick him in the balls.
"Who the f*xk are you" I say to him I'm not in the mood for this. "Don't be so hostile Philip dear my name is Japan Empire and I just want to talk" I roll my eyes and point to my dying Secretary. "Well uh talk to you" he says I swear I will kick him in the balls.

"I wanna make a deal with you I'll leave your country al-" that's it I've had enough of this sh*t. I shoot my gun and points to his shoulder but he blocks it with his katana. "My my smart guy but be nice in trying to be n-" I cut him off and points at the Dead bodies of my employees. He couldn't say a word. "I- well Join the axis and let's kill Soviet Or else I will take over your country and we will have w-" "5" "4" "why are you counting?" "3 I'm tired as hell" "2 you son of a b*tch get out now" "1 u don't have energy for this BS" I finish counting and I kicked him in the balls hard. He falls down on the ground gasping in pain.

"PHIL WHAT HAPPE-" del shut his mouth when he saw Japan Empire on the floor.
"Did did you kick him in the nuts" del asks me "yes and I'll do it to you if you annoy me aswell, I'm tired as hell so don't mess with me" I say and del back away saying aight-. "F-fine I'll leave you win this time P-philippines" he says and leaves with his katana while jumping out. Del laughs and normally bi would find
That funny but I'm tired as hell. "Del take her to the hospital and clean up this mess and give them a proper burial" I say "wait should I c-" "3" del takes her and runs out quickly as fast as he could. I learned from inay that if someone doesent do what she says she'll count and you better Rin or else...

I then say last words at my employees and go back to my bed. I'm so tired and I won't get 8 hours of sleep and so I will still be angry as hell.


"Oh hello Mr. Philippines
What can I do for you?"

"Prepare the nuke"

"Eh the nuke? You don't
Mean THE nuke sir?"

"Yes I mean the strongest we have
the atomic bomb little boy"


"You know what happens if
I'm tired right? Well shut it
And prepare the bomb Ame
Gave us. Because I'm tired"

"Uhhh ok sir Philip"

After the war America gave Philip
An atomic bomb one of Ame's strongest
Bombs and he calls it "little boy" he gave
It to Phil as a sign of peace Because
If he tries to backstab Phil again Phil
Could send that baby to America and
Kaboom The USA.

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