Will you Come back?

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Yes They have won the war and Took back the Philippines and Phil Became the Leader.

They thought Phil would stay with them.

But Phil and His brothers Acknowledge that he has to Manage the Philippines he needs to be there here to watch his empire grow.

Ofcourse the Slav Bros are sad and don't want Phil to Leave but He has to and they Finally accept the fact.

Phil can't stay he has his own Responsibilities and so do they......

And so they left Russia and they only often go there but after a few years. They haven't come back nor have they chatted with them.

They understand that Phil is Busy.

He has to Protect his Country 24/7

The Philippines became advance and trades with the Different countries.

And Because of the Many resources some of the Countries wants to invade the Philippines but ofcourse Phil won't Let them.

If one Brings up the Subject he'll snap at you.

The Country is known to be Soviet Philippines Just like Russia Soviet Russia

Soviet and his sons are Proud of the things Philip has done.

Although Russia is Proud he always ask this question to himself will you come back? When? Will you? Year by year Day by day.

He loses hope Day by day. But he can't help it its Phil's Responsibility.

Russia POV

It's been years........ I really miss sunshine. How is he doing?. Has he been sleeping well?. Does he take rests?. Does he get stressed?.

I'm really worried. Why am I worried. Why do I feel empty now that he's gone. Why do I want him with me so Badly. What's Wrong with me. Why do I feel like I love him.

Heh I'm stupid the number one rule is to never fall in love. Wars and Battles left and Right........

If someone dies in a relationship the other shall be Left all alone in this World. That's Why we shouldn't let Love control our Feelings.

It will end in Tragedy for both sides.

I sigh, I can't Help it. And why don't we Trade with Philippines. Why don't I just let Belarus explode a Sugar supply or Something. So that we'll have a reason to trade.

I think about my mischievous Idea.

When the door suddenly opens I fix my composure and turn around.

It's a soldier. "Sir America is here Sir, For the Peace and for the Allied Forces" the soldier said. I nod and I go.

I don't really like this American I don't know why but he looks like a backstabber I don't trust him much. Well father is already here. And Father Calls me to sit down. So we can talk.

Meanwhile in the Philippines

Philippines POV

I look outside the window. I see that my country is Very Beautiful. We have many resources. Which is great to keep our economy up.

I rub my temples remembering what happened the other day. The Other Day I Had a Trade With Australia and France. Australia was nice he showed me some animals.

And after we did the trade I snapped at France, that Bi-. We were having a laugh Because of Ausie's Stories. Then Suddenly France Brought up the Topic of Conquering my Country.

She made a mistake. I stood up and Broke the table. I yelled at her, She was weaker so she didn't have a chance to even try to conquer my Country.

I was Yelling like an idiot but I didn't care of she dares to Try I will Show her the same fate SE had.

I'm really angry. Yes they are relatives. But Ausie didn't stop me because what France wanted to do was wrong.

More and more contructions have been made. And we're getting more Powerful.

I will Protect this Country at all cost.

Even if it costs me my life..............

Del and Martial are in the army. Patrolling and They are Generals.

I wonder how they are doing in Russia. what Chaos have they done, I laugh While I think of the things they could have done.

And I look outside the Window again and see that children are playing and they wave at me.

So I decide to Go outside and see how the people are doing. I go out of my office and greet the Guards. And I Proceed to greet the Maids and Butlers.

And once i reach the main door and go out I was greeted by the Children they all cheerfully Chant "Hello Sir Philippines thank you how are you".

And they take my hand and I just follow them they take me to the people and they all stop what athey are doing and say "Thank you Sir Philippines" And a Woman in the Village puts a Flower crown on me.

"What's with all the thanking it's not only me who put their life on the line"  I tell them but they still continue to thank me

"But you're so kind sir Philippines and we're thankful that you are our leader" the children and some others say.

All I said was thank you also.

I decide to play with the children for a bit.

But everyone Panicked when they heard a gunshot.


I take out my gun and the people hid, the soldiers nodded and did as they were told.

We followed the gunshot and find that there was another country.

It's America!!

I tell my shoulders to put their guns away.

I look at America and ask him "What do you want why are you here why was There a gunshot did you hurt someone?"

"Calm down Philippines I just want to get your attention, I want to make a deal with you, The gunshot was just to  get your attention I shot it in the sky"
America says.

I don't trust this man I don't like his look I better not trust him......

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