Taking back what is ours

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It's been years since the Philippines was invaded and colonized, the people have been suffering for so long

And the brothers are just preparing to take back what is theirs they have waited long enough to seek revenge, to avenge their father.

The sacrifice they father made would not be in vain.

The brothers have been getting stronger and stronger and taller welp poor Phil every grew taller he is the smallest in the family even the slave Bros are taller than him.

The brothers are in the training area bored, so they decided to play around and welp that backfired so bad martial for stuck in a tire after a fight. Del got stuck on a trap. Belarus lost his potato.

The others that didn't so a dumb and is standing perfectly still were just laughing at them.

Del and Martial are so thankful that no one could see them right n-

Soviet comes and sees the mess



Soviet then gets an axe to get them both out, first he chopped out the tire around martial then tried to chop the trap Del was in, but that was a wrong move he accidentally activates a new trap and poor Phil and Russia that was standing besides each other both of their foot got taken by a rope and now they are hanging upside-down and then when tried to cut the rope another trap they got tied together they were so close they were a breath away now they are a Blushing mess

Meanwhile in Soviets head :Blyat, cyka blyat, what have I done, freak, the ship almost sailed

After a few minutes they finally got down "Y- you good sunshine?" Russia asks both of them facing the other way "Y-yes and you?" Phil replies and Soviet does a fake cough

Soviet POV

"You all must be wondering Why Im here is that I wanted to alarm all of you that we are going to war" I say

All of them shocked and shouts "WHAT"

"We are going to take back the Philippines" i say

The three were shocked and then phil smiled and said "So we can Avenge father and mother?"

"Yes after all these years preparing we are finally getting back the Philippines and avenge your parents we must prepare for the upcoming war......."

Spanish Empire POV

I Sit in my throne and think So does idiots think they can defeat me, let's see what they can do, they are no match against me "Spain hijo alarm them that we are going to war"

Spain POV

I nod at my father and leave I don't really want to loose a war I don't want to die not yet but my father 'he can go die' this isn't right he's abusing the people and I don't want this if he dies then the people shall be free I go to the guards and inform them they shout "FOR THE KING" it disgusts me hearing them say that.

So I plan to back stab my father I write a letter and give it to my right hand man I told him to get it to him

He nods and leaves now all I have to do is wait

Phil POV

We are preparing for the war I wear my father's scarf and sigh I'm happy that we can finally have a change but no I won't let this be just a chance I will do everything so we can win I get really determined then Suddenly a rock gets thrown in the room I Flinch and we there is a paper attached to it.

Dear Philippines

I know you hate Spanish Empire and so do I, I wan you to kill him and make him suffer a tragic death
It's me Spain writing this you must think this is suspicious why I want you to kill him simple I want you to free your people what he is doing isn't right he's abusing the people and I want him to stop  the only way to stop him is to kill him there's a catch I will let you kill him and free your people although I won't promise that you will win the war but I will leave this country and go back to my own dont tell anyone.


This letter seems suspicious I better not trust him.

Now is the day everyone has been awaiting for  the Spaniards moved to Manila and waited while the Slavs went to the Philippines

When they finally arrived at Manila they were all cautious until someone got shot then Soviet yelled "ATTACK" Spaniards came out of hiding and started attacking the Russians martial and  del are attacking and aswell as Soviet's sons Phil also joined but still cautious the fight was going quite a long time now and suddenly the grounds started to blow up the Russians are getting injured and the spainards seems to dodge before the explosion so Soviet signaled for the people to shoot bombs from above many were dying.

Skipping forward

The Philippine family finally saw SE he was holding a gun and a sword the Slavs and Soviet were battling with the others although Phil and Del and Martial were injured they still fought SE they managed to hurt him although not enough to kill him they cut of his right arm and shot his Leg.

When they taught he was done SE suddenly grabbed a gun and almost shooting them but Spain stabbed him in the guts and Spain looked at his son he was furious "Y-You" and the three brothers shot him one by one until he died.

They all were shocked at what Spain did and they shouted "SPANISH EMPIRE IS DEAD WE HAVE WON" everyone stops fighting and the Spaniards drops their weapons signaling that they have lost "Why did you kill him" Russia and the others asked "I admit I surrender why because he what he is doing is wrong killing and abusing poor innocent people are wrong I told you I wanted him dead" they all look at Phil "What better be sure than not"

After that
Spain became incharge
They made peace and Phil because the leader of the country Everyone cheered
They became friends with Spain
And the country Philippines was back on its feet and stronger than ever

The end

Jk 😂

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