Peace and Har- hazardous brothers

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Phil is the one who became the leader
Of the Philippines and everyone is cool with it.

Now the Philippines is more stronger (in this Au only SE has conquered the Philippines) (this is not 20** they are still in . let's say early 1900 or 1899)

You might think that Phil left Russia and maybe along with his brothers but no

he comes to the Philippines but not everyday and also because he can do the trades in Russia and the Philippines is heavily guarded and protected 24/7

The Philippines is richer than their original state.

Yes everything might be under control now and they have peace with Spain.......

But that doesn't mean

That the manor of Soviet has Harmony they are all respected generals but in private not so much.

After the War Ukraine and Martial wanted to bake for Soviet and the others as a little celebration sweets for them but it didn't end up nicely Ukraine and Martial are both stubborn and give a *** so they had trouble it bake together because both of them wanted to lead but ended up fighting over the ingredients......

And they also are bored and jealous because everyone admires Phil's and belarus' cooking after the war they baked some sweets ofcourse the sweets were great and were distributed to all the soldiers.

Ukraine and Martial overheard the soldiers talking "Wow these sweets taste are really great and not burned"
"Yeah and especially general Philip's cooking is the best" "Yeah unlike the burned cupcakes we had to eat that were made by General Ukraine and General Martial" "they might be good at fighting but not in cooking they can gloat all they want after the battles but not their cooking".

That wasn't the first time they got jealous of Phil's and belarus' cooking the first time as the soldiers said they burned cupcakes and ofcourse they were scared for their lives so they were forced to eat them

"THIS TIME OUR COOKING WILL BE BETTER" Martial and Ukraine yelled very determined.......

A few moments later..........

They burned the sweets again although not only the sweets this time also the Kitchen.

They were scolded by Soviet and promised never to cook or bake again without Phil's or Belarus guidance they both sighed and Nodded in defeat they accept.

Present time (Still in the 19th century)

Phil, Ukraine Belarus and Russia were sleeping peacefully....

Then Martial del and Kazakhstan comes in their rooms one by one and makes noise to wake then up and splashes water on them

And runs quickly as they can to not be hit by a gun or a kick in the groin by Phil.

Ofcourse they get the screams of





there three that were woken up are indeed Angry.

They are this chaotic everyday

Once Russia got real pissed and three Kazakhstan out of the window.

An phil kicked his brothers in the groin.

And there was one time oh dear

Martial was being an a hole again and asked Belarus why he always has a potato and why there are times that Belarus would lick or kiss the potato.

Belarus snapped at martial and shoved a potato in his mouth. Yes he was kinda choking but his brothers and the Slav Bros couldn't help but laugh.

They are all childish AF in private when they are all together.

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