Stress because of the devil

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You will think that Phil would be ok and is not feeling stressed out and isn't so busy.

Because the war ended and all is at peace and America made alliance with Phil

But no that's the complete opposite

Phil hasn't slept for days

He's been busy and stressed

Even if America had already paid Millions of dollars he was still stressed out as fu-

So many people died and also so many soldiers.

So many were wounded

Phil had to come to the hospitals and he had to go and made sure that everyone that died had A tombstone in the cemeteries.

He was so tired and high on caffeine

These past days caffeine was the only thing Phil ingested.

People did not protest and didn't bad mouth Phil

After all Phil was also Heavily injured

Which made this job harder........

He had to go to every family and talk to them and Comfort them with his words (family of dead Soldiers and the family of the people who died because of the bombing.

And he had to go to the injured people and comfort them.

Also the Injured soldiers he had to come and praise them for their sacrifice.

While he made sure about those things like keeping them well in the hospital and entertained

He had to go and fix the damages

The fields, the houses , and other buildings.

He had to talk to the farmers and had to quickly prepare new lands for farming.

And he had to take care of the broken houses.

Not only the houses and others were destroyed also the ones that were just about to be rebuilt or be built were completely destroyed.

And that's a reason why Phil hated America

He made a nickname for america not 'joe' the word that everyone knows and loves.

He calls him pu- I mean punye- I mean sorry I have mistaken I meant "Devil"

He even got some of the children to call America that. When America visits

Which always leaves America stunned and confused.

Not like "Hey it's the devil Run" "you are a bad person" they don't day that out loud.

Even if the elders wanted too.......

Children smile innocently and speak in an innocent voice not look at America angrily.

They say innocently "Hello devil welcome back" "Kuya devil why are you here?"

America always was stunned and doesent know how to respond

'hah?' was the only thing he could say

Even if he tries to say "hello my name is America please call me America with or Without sir or Mr."

But all his efforts were nothing.

The children wouldn't listen to him

The Children only listened to Phil

That was the only thing that Phil Enjoyed when America Visits him

The children would call him devil and Ame would be speachless

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