Chapter 18

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I watch everyone eat the soup and rice I cooked. Seems like they like it. My eyes float over to Diego and his eyes lock with mine. I quickly look away. 



I look up at Romeo and he points to the door. 

"Can we talk?"

"Of course. Um guys we'll be right back."

I let Romeo lead me outside. I close the door behind us and we sit down on the stairs. 

"You wanna talk about this?"


"This whole situation Rose. Letting strangers into your home and being alone in the bathroom with another person knowing damn well your mate would be pissed if he found out."

"I-I don't know. When me and Jason met them in the woods Winter called out mate and for some reason I feel more drawn to him than Jason. I know its terrible and just unforgivable since Jason chose me instead of his other mate but I cant help how I feel. I promise you we didn't fuck in the bathroom. We just made out. I couldn't help myself. I know that sounds bad. I sound like a worthless whore but Its like-like....I don't know it's so hard to describe it. I just want him. I want Jason don't get me wrong but I'm jus confused. Then when he told me they had no where to go I felt like it was the right thing to do to help them. I know you might think its not right but I feel it in my gut that I can trust every one of them with my life. I'm sorry..."

"You're saying...winter called out mate to another person?"

"Yes...I'm just as confused as you are. Then another thing is he isn't a werewolf."


"He's a hybrid of a witch vampire and werewolf."

"Damn...thats crazy. Did you talk to your mom about this?"


"Talk to your real mom about it. I feel like she might know more than shes letting on. But for now sit down and have a conversation with Diego, Jason and his other mate. You guys need to figure this shit out."


"Also just to brighten the mood guess what!"


"Me and James are mates!!"

"Awww! I'm so happy for you!"

"Ok back to the problem at hand. You guys need to talk ASAP so meet me at Jason house at 7 tonight. Bring Diego."



Where the hell are they? I look over at Makenzie and Jason awkwardly.

"They should be here soon..ha.."

'Rose needs to hurry up shes already 10 min late!' Yeah...

"SORRY WE'RE LATE!! I had to cook dinner for everyone then take a shower."

Rose sure looks dressed up today. A sleeveless high waist v-neck dress. Black at the top and colorful at the bottom. Diego looks fancy too. A black tux. Now that I think about it so do Jason and Makenzie. Jason is wearing a blue tux and Makenzie is wearing a blue empire waist dress. Then I'm just wearing James t-shirt with jeans. Wow they got me fucked up. Jason opens a chair for Rose to sit next to him while Diego sits across from her next to Makenzie. 

"Ok the only person here who knows what this is about is me and Rose."

"People you mean?"

"Yes thank you Makenzie. Anyway as you guys already know Jason has two mates, Makenzie and Rose. We know why for him, because he is in throne for king and it's tradition for that to happen. As for Rose, she also has two mates."

Jason and Diego both look at her surprised.

"Her two mates are Diego and Jason."

They glare at each other as Kesha walks in. Finally someone who isn't dressed up!

"And thats why I also invited Kesha Roses mom. So she can explain whats going on."

"Hello kids. This story goes way back to when Me and my husband got married..."

Flash Back (Kesha version)

I was 17 and in love. No one approved of us but we didn't care. So we planned our wedding day on May 13th. On our wedding day I looked amazing in my hot pink wedding dress. Anyway as I walked down that aisle my eyes didn't leave my husbands eyes. We stood by the cherry tree and was wedded but after we said I do a witch stood.

"You hear my warning dear child. This could be a blessing or a curse. The first child you shall have will be powerful but there is a downside. When he- or she, turns 18 and her mate calls there shall be two. Both just as powerful as her but if they truly love thee they shall fight to the death. Winner takes all. If one of the contestants is a rouge then thy rogue must be able to make he or she a queen or king. But beware she or he will bring upon a curse to the throne if not treated well. See the cruelty and the pain. That you have caused once again, I turn the tables three times three. Bring light to you actions, I will be free, when light fades and dusk comes through, the pain you caused will come back to you. I say this spell to Karma tonight, I am witch, I stand and fight."

She smiled and took off her hood. The witch was my cousin.

"May the happy couple have a wonderful life."

She stormed off and 5 weeks after the wedding I found out I was pregnant. 9 months after that my husband died protecting me from hunters and I had Rose the same night. A week after she was born the witch came back. She picked up rose and kissed her forehead then whispered.

"Bide by the moon follow her the slight of the new we renew and grow. By the waxing quarter.Our determination shows by the full moons light our desires we know. By the Waning Quarter we ebb after flow. By the dark moon's presence we return what we've sown. Bide by the moon we follow her glow."

She tapped Roses head with a quarter 4 times than ran off. I gave Rose to Berry, one of the fairies than ran after her. I lured behind and seen her walk into a wooden house. I peaked inside and she held a little boy. She did the same spell but tapped his right arm. A moon appeared where the quarter tapped. She ran again this time she snuck into the castle. She held another boy and did the same thing this time no moon showed on him. She ran away and jumped into a lake. I waited for her to come out but she never did so I went home.

Flash Back Ended


"So that's what happened."

Rose looks at Diego and starts to laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"Diego has a moon print on his right arm and the castle is where Jason was born. HAHAHA THIS IS SOME SCARY SHIT!"

Her laughing turns to sobs and I quickly get up to hug her.

"Why are you crying?"

"Cause this mess is kinda my fault."


"I'm the one cursed."

She pulls away from me and wipes her face. As she pushes her hair out if her face Jason growls.


"Oh...forgot bout that."

She scratches her head then looks at Makenzie.

"You can have him."

We all stare at her confused and Jason's eyes get watery.

"And Diego your gonna have to find another mate."

"Wha- huh?"

"I don't wanna cause a shit load of problems so imma just leave ya know? Imma go bye bye and not have y'all fight t-till d-de-"

She collapse on the floor. 

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