Chapter 2

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I glare at Tina as she laughs at me.

"So big bad Alpha went to go stalk a girl?"

She started gasping for air as she laughed. 'Grr, she's so annoying' Your telling me Hunter.

"Shut up. I was just having some fun. Leave now."
"Excuse me? You can boss around all these other werewolf's but your not bossing me around. I'm your sister. I can do whatever I want. Besides your not the king of the werewolf's yet."
"I will be soon and then you'll have to listen to me."
"We'll see about that Jason. Now do ya wanna race?"
"I'm to busy for that"

I say as turning back to my desk. 'Yeah let's race I wanna beat Gwen! It's funny when she whines after losing!' No. I start writing on my paper when Tina takes the pen.

"What happened to the fun Jason? You used to love racing me and having fun. Now your just so..."

She gives me a frown and look of disgust at the same time.

"He grew up."
"Come on!!"

'Please I wanna run' No.

"It's 2:00 in the morning. No."
"Come on..pretty please? I'm leaving town soon to visit mom and dad so let's run one last time please? I promise you won't have to race me anymore after this."

We go outside and strip from our clothes then race. It feels good. The wind hitting my face. The smell of nature and the pounding of my paws against the ground. 'We're way ahead let's stop by the creek!' Ok Hunter but only for a couple minutes. Is that a- White wolf? I stare amazed by the beauty of the wolf. Smells like...Rosetta. 'Come forth' she runs away quickly once she heard me. 'Back to the race come on!!' Why are you so hyper today? We run back to the house and like always I beat Tiana. After a couple minutes she arrives out of breath.

"How *paint* are you *paint* so fast?"
"Your just slow."

She glares at me then puts back on her clothes as I do the same.


My 18th birthday is tomorrow. What the fuck am I going to do? What if I get a horrible mate? Then what? I rub my face and push everything off my desk. 'Grr' Ugh. Rosetta just keeps coming into my head. 'What if she's our mate?' I don't think so. She's hot and all but she is a hardheaded hothead. She doesn't listen to me. 'That's what I like about her' I bet you do. I walk down the stairs to see Shawn holding Rosetta in his arms as she lays passed out. A pang of jealousy and hurt hit me in my heart.


He bows.

"I found this one passed out in the woods."
"Shawn I have it from here."
"Yes sir."

He hands her to me as he bows and leaves. 'He shouldn't be touching Rosetta! She's ours!' No she's not. We aren't mates and will never be after what I've done to her. I take her up to the third floor and lay her in my bed. (Bring a warm wet towel and a first aid kit up to my bedroom. Now!) ;Right away sir!; I slide off her clothes and cover her with my sheets.

"Come in."

I turn around to see what's her name again? Sandy right? Give me the things I asked for.

"Next time be faster."

I say with a frown and glare. She quickly leaves the room and I tend to Rosetta. Once I finish wrapping her wound I take off my shirt and put it on her. 'I can hear her whimpering. She's cold. Let's cuddle her please!' I ignore Hunter and pull the covers back over her. Shes beautiful. Hunter stop trying to take over, you know I'm stronger than you. 'Please shes cold!' Just for a little bit we can't have her or anyone else see me cuddling her. Its embarrassing and then everyone in the pack will be talking about it. 'OK!!' I hear the excitement in his voice. I climb into the bed and lay behind her cuddling her. She turns around and snuggles into my chest. I feel a smile form on her face as she whispers


My body tenses. Who's hers?

Alpha JasonWhere stories live. Discover now