Getting Ready - Ch. 1

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Author's note

Just a quick, small, little reminder. This is a third person point of view story. There for, your parents names will be mentioned more than once. And I choose a pre-determined name for your mom, 'tis Elizabeth. You can change it to be your mom's real name, or keep it Elizabeth. Your dad's name was also pre-determined, 'tis Charles. Again, you can change it or keep it. It's up to you - Enjoy!

(Full Name) was sitting in front of her vanity's mirror, as one of the maids brushed her (color) hair

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(Full Name) was sitting in front of her vanity's mirror, as one of the maids brushed her (color) hair. The maid pulled back the hair on the sides of (Reader)'s face, braided the hair, and then put it into a bun. The maid then took the now hot curling iron, and curled the ends of (Reader)'s hair.(Sorry if you don't have long hair, just imagine she did something else) 

(Sorry if you don't have long hair, just imagine she did something else) 

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(Reader) smiled at the beautiful hairstyle that her maid did so perfectly. The door to (Reader)'s room opened, and (Reader) looked to see who was entering her room. (Reader) saw her mother standing elegantly in the door frame, right hand on the door knob, and her left hand resting on the door. "I do hope I'm not interrupting, but I wanted so desperately to do (Reader)'s make-up." She smiled. Her soft, acented voice filling the silent room.

The maid nodded politely at her boss, and (Reader)'s mother dismissed the maid out of the room. "Mother?" (Reader) called out. "It's exactly as I said. I wanted to do your make-up. I imagine something soft, very natural. Maybe something to compliment your eyes, or your dress." She sung. (Reader) smiled at her mother through the mirror, and closed her eyes so her mother could do her make-up more efficiently. 

After a little bit of time, (Reader) finally opened her eyes since Elizabeth put mascara on (Reader)'s eyelashes. "It doesn't look as though I'm wearing any at all." (Reader) marveled at her mother's work. "Lovely, isn't it? But, something is...missing. Though, I'm not sure what it is you're missing." Elizabeth sighed, gracfully folding her arms across her chest.

(Reader) tilted her head slightly to the right, still admiring her mother's - and her maid's - work. Elizabeth snapped her fingers and said, "I know what 'tis missing!" (Reader) snapped out of her thoughts, and quickly turned around in her chair to look at her mother. "What is it, Mother?" (Reader) asked, turning back around to face forward.

Elizabeth's hands reached back, and unclasped the necklace she was currently wearing. She took it off and wrapped it around (Reader)'s neck, clasping it closed. (Reader)'s fingers brushed against the different charms laying on the necklace. 

The necklace was a clean silver, and had different keys all with different planetary symbols on them. It was resting just slightly below her collar bone, fitting in perfectly with the rest of her outfit. "There, that's what was missing! You know, these are actually the keys of all the women in my family. Your father had it made for me just before you were born. My key is the one with Mercury on it, Jupiter belongs to my sister." Elizabeth smiled, while resting her hands on (Reader)'s shoulders.

"I have an Aunt?" (Reader) asked. Elizabeth never talked about her family, so (Reader) didn't know anything about where her mother came from; or what her family and up-bringing was like. All (Reader) knew, was that her mother grew up in Oxford. And lived a peaceful aristocratic life.

(Reader) turned around in chair once again to face her mother. "What was she like? Where is she now? Why haven't I met her? Is she even alive?" (Reader)'s mind filled with an endless amount of questions. "Another story, for another day." 

"But, Mother! You've been saying that since I was a little girl, and I've never gotten answer." (Reader) paused, taking a deep breath. "I'm turning eighteen very soon. And I know next to nothing about my family!" 

"I'll tell you about her, after dinner with our guests. Does that sound alright?" Elizabeth smiled, her hand out-stretched to help (Reader) out of her chair. (Reader) nodded and took her mother's hand, getting up as Elizabeth helped pull her out of the chair. (Reader) did a quick and graceful spin, the frills under her dress fanning out beautifully. Elizabeth nodded her head in approvel. (Reader) turned to walk out of her room, when her mother stopped her.



"Your shoes."

(Reader) looked down at her shoes - they were mid-calf boots with buckles that started from the ankle, and worked their way up. "What's wrong with them?" (Reader) asked. "Please change them to be something more ladylike." Elizabeth gestured towards (Reader)'s closet. (Reader) did as she was told, and quickly changed her shoes.

(Reader) closed her closet doors, and began to follow her mother out of the room

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(Reader) closed her closet doors, and began to follow her mother out of the room. When outside of the room, one of the maids closed the door behind them. (Reader), now looking like a proper aristocrat, was ready to meet their guests; who would be sitting down in the greeting area with her father. But (Reader) had a feeling that something very odd, was going to happen. And that it was going to happen very soon.

Author's note - yes, another one
Super long chapter. I'll try not to make to second one so long, I just can't write in third person P.O.V to save my life. I always, ALWAYS, end up dragging it out for waaaay to long. But thank you for reading, I hope you liked it. Please share, comment, and vote - I A M A S E L L O U T ! BYE!

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