It's Not What it Seems - Ch. 6

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(Reader) looked at the monochrome haired boy, the feeling of anger slowly creeping in

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(Reader) looked at the monochrome haired boy, the feeling of anger slowly creeping in. Fukase looked at the boy, then at (Reader), then back at the boy, then back at (Reader). "Do you two know each other?" Fukase asked, tilting his head in confusion. "No. We had a run-in with each other, literally. " The boy responded. 

(Reader) could feel her blood boiling, just the demeanor of the boy was enough to upset her. She desperately tried to remain composed but found her anger far too difficult to keep bottled up. (Reader) so found herself raising her voice, and practically yelling at the boy. "You! You vile, un-mannered brute! You ran into a lady, and caused her to fall down and hit her head. Yet you had the audacity, to run away without even apologizing!" (Reader) yelled at the boy.

The boy shrugged his shoulders in response; as he pulled out a chair from the table, and sat down in it. "I don't know you. And I was in a hurry." The boy spat while his lip curled out of annoyance. "You could give me every excuse in the book, and it still wouldn't be enough to excuse your behaviour!" (Reader) lectured, placing her hands on her hips. 

The boy abruptly stood up and walked over to (Reader). He stood maybe a foot away from her and lowered his head down to her ear, whispering into it. "I'm sorry if I had hurt you, but I don't know you. And you don't know me. It's as simple as that." The boy charmingly whispered. He stood up straight, and turned around to head back to where he was sitting. 

(Reader)'s eyes were wide. She had never experienced anyone gets so close to her. She didn't realize it, but her face was red from how close he was to her. "By the way, your face is almost completly red." The boy said calmly. "W-Well, w-we don't exactaly know each other's names yet. Now do we?" (Reader)'s voice came out shaky at first, but it slowly started to return to normal.

The boy shrugged his shoulders, taking a sip of his tea; which he had poured himself, while (Reader) lectured him. "Would you like me to introduce the two of you?" Fukase asked, finally joining the conversation. (Reader) looked at him and smiled, nodding her head 'yes'. 

The boy looked at (Reader), his lips slightly parted. (Reader) took notice of his magenta coloured eyes. She was quite fasinated with them, as she had never seen anyone with eyes quite like his before. "(Reader), this is Prince-" Fukase was cut off by the boy snapping his fingers. 

Fukase's eyes widened, as though he was remembering an important piece of information. "(Reader), this is Flower. Flower, this is (Reader)." Fukase smiled. Flower gave (Reader) a small smile, as (Reader) gave him a smile and curtsey. "I'm afraid we got off on the wrong foot, Flower. Perhaps you would like to start over?" (Reader) asked.

"No." Flower responded flatly. "N-No?" (Reader) was left shocked by the answer Flower had given her. "You heard me right. I don't wish to start over." Flower said, solemally sipping his tea. "Fukase. May I take a seat?" (Reader) turned her attention over to the red head. "Of course!" Fukase smiled.

(Reader) took a seat next to Flower, who was sitting with his legs crossed and was silently drinking his tea. "I don't particuarly like this flavour." Flower spoke. "Oh?" (Reader) hummed. (Reader)'s sudden response, and unknown pressance, startled Flower. Causing him to spill his tea. (He spilled the tea. I'm crying)

"Oh shit!"

"Oh dear!"

Flower and (Reader) said at the same time. "Here," (Reader) placed a hand on the panicking boy's shoulder. "Allow me to help you." She smiled at Flower. Flower sighed, returned the smile, and nodded his head. "Alright." His voice came out shaky. "Fukase, aren't you going to help?" (Reader) turned to find that the Hatter was no where in sight. "Where did he go?" (Reader) asked, not realizing she said it out loud.

"He does that a lot." Flower told (Reader), while trying to clean up his mess. "What?" (Reader) turned to look at Flower. "You asked where Fukase had gone off to. Right?" 

"Oh! I didn't realize I had said that out loud." (Reader) giggled nervously. (Reader) returned to helping Flower clean up. "(Reader)?"

"Yes, Flower?"

"Are you a boy, or a girl?"

"I'm a- What!?"

"I don't want to misgender you."

"I-I'm a girl. Isn't that obvious?"

"You look like one, but how am I supposed to know? You could identify as non-bianary, you could identify as male. You could indetify as a lot of things."

"Oh." (Reader) looked to the side. She never knew about these things that Flower was telling her about. She was told from a young age that there were only two genders, male and female. "Damnit!" Flower cried. "What is it?" (Reader)'s attention was turned back to the boy. "I spilled it on my clothes." Flower sighed. (Reader) took a napkin, and started drying the tea on the boys vest. 

Flowers cheeks were slightly red, due to (Reader) being so close to his chest. Flower let out an uncomfortable hum, and (Reader) took that as a hint to stop what she was doing. With the napkin still in hand, (Reader) looked up at Flower. (Reader) let out a small giggle. Flower looked down at the girl in front of him. "W-What!?"

"Aha, why are blushing?"

"Y-Your hand is an inch away from my chest!"

"But you're a boy."

"I'm a girl."

(Reader) dropped the napkin she was holding, and took a few steps back. Eventually hitting a chair, a falling back wards. Flower wrapped her arm around (Reader), grabbing her free hand and pulling towards her, catching (Reader) before she could hit the ground. With (Reader)'s free hand, she instinctivly grabbed Flower's shoulder. 

"WHOA!" They both screamed, as they fell backwards. Flower had landed on top of (Reader), while (Reader) had landed in very suggestive position underneath Flower. "It looks like falling backwards is something your going to have to get used to." Flower chuckled, as she got onto her hands and knees. "That's not something I want to get used too." (Reader) groaned. "My, my. What do we have here?" Fukase asked, as he returned from where ever he was.

Author's note
I don't know why, but whenever I finish writting a new chapter I feel feverish. Pretty sure I'm getting a new tooth...I don't know if it's a wisdom tooth. Or something else. But it feels like it's coming out of my cheek, and not my gums. But it also feels like it's coming from my gums. Ion know. Maybe I have hyperdontia or somthing. I doubt it, but who really knwosGramarly stopped worked halfway through writing this chapter, so sorry if they're are any mistakes. I tried to fix as many as I could such as spelling, punctuation, spacing, ect. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Share, comment, and vote. AND PLEASE GIVE ME A NAME FOR MY KENNITH SIMMONS FANFICTION! I really want to write it. Ya bois gone. Peace out ma dudes. Time stamp. 3:33. UwU That's Ben's number.

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