The Vorpal Blade - Ch. 19

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(Sorry for how long this chapter took, I've been on a NieR:Automata and Hazbin Hotel binge)

(Sorry for how long this chapter took, I've been on a NieR:Automata and Hazbin Hotel binge)

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"Flower!" (Reader) panicked. "What's wrong!?" (Reader) asked, frantically putting her hand on Flower's arm. "I ought have your head for this." Flower muttered. "W-What?" (Reader)'s eyes widened, she didn't know if Flower was talking to her or the boy on the floor. "N-No, please! I beg of you! Don't take my head!" The boy cried.

"I said I ought to take your head. But I won't. I'm not my mother." Flower sighed, wiping her tears away. "Flower. What does he mean?" (Reader)'s voice came out shaky. "Come with me. Christopher. Go catch up with Fukase, Piko, and Oliver." Flower spoke as she grabbed (Reader)'s hand, taking her out of the building. 

"Flower. I don't understand. Why-"

"My parents are the Red King and Queen." Flower sighed. "What?" (Reader) breathed. "I'm the 'Princess of Wonderland'." Flower chuckled. "If I'm to be honest, I hate my parents. They behead people for the smallest reasons. And I hate it." Flower sighed as she sat down on a large rock. (Boulder?)


"I understand if you think less of me." Flower spoke as she ran a hand through her thick, monochrome hair. "Now why would I do that?" (Reader) asked, as she sat down next to Flower. "Because the last girl who fell down the the rabbit hole found out I was a Princess, almost the same way you did. And..." Flower paused, taking a deep breath. "She didn't take it to well." She whispered.

"Well, she must not have been very smart." (Reader) smiled. She grab Flower's hand and brought it close to her chest. An action which startled Flower, causing her to give (Reader) her undivided attention. "In the short time I've known you, you've shown to be one of the kindest people I've ever met!" (Reader) beamed. Flower turned her gaze away, causing (Reader) to feel a little disheartened. "Hey. When I asked if a Cheshire cat could help me get home, did you ignore me? Did you just tell me where to go, and then send me on my way?"


"Exactly. When you noticed my arm was injured, did you ignore it? When we were being chased by Card Guards, did you leave me for dead?"

"No. But that's common courtesy! Anyone could've done it!"

"That's not the point! The point is that you, Flower, did those things." (Reader) smiled softly at the teary-eyed girl who sat in front of her. "Is there a point to this?" Flower sniffled. "Um, I don't know now that I think about it. I know I was going somewhere, but I don't remember where." (Reader) slumped, even though her corset made it a difficult task. 

Flower let out a soft giggle. "Besides that! From what I've heard, and from what the author has told their friends, you are nothing like the King or Queen." Flower smiled at (Reader). "Thank you, (Reader). Your kinds words are greatly appreciated." Flower spoke as she stood up from where she was sitting. She reached out her hand for (Reader) to grab, to which (Reader) gracefully accepted. And without thinking Flower leaned down, two inches away from meeting (Reader) lips, only to kiss her cheek instead. 

The feeling alone was enough to send shivers down (Reader) spine, and feel a small wave of loneliness when Flower pulled away.  "Come now, let's not keep the others waiting. We came here for a reason, did we not?" Flower smirked. "Right! Let's go!" (Reader) nodded.

As soon as the two girls pushed open the large door, they saw Oliver hurtling towards them. "(Reader)! Are you alright!? I heard some sort of commotion behind me, and when I turned around, you were no where to be seen!" The small boy panicked. "Oliver. Oliver! I'm perfectly fine.'" (Reader) smiled, gently placing her hand on her brothers arm. Oliver sighed in response and relieve.

"Did you meet Christopher?" Flower asked. "Yes, I did. He's kind of wierd." Oliver spoke, a tinge of uncomfortableness in his voice. "I see. Could you lead us to him?"

"O-Of course I can!" 

"Alright then lead the way!"


"Duck." Flower spoke flatly. "What- Ah!" (Reader) yelped as Flower pulled her down into a crouched position. Behind (Reader) came the sound of glass shattering, followed by intense and eratic laughter. Flower and (Reader) looked up to see a girl with two very long, teal twin tails. She wore a small aprin that read, in fine cursive, Hatsune.

 She wore a small aprin that read, in fine cursive, Hatsune

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"Miku!" Called out a deep voice. "I told you to quit throwing my viles everywhere!" The voice lectured. "But it's funny!" She giggled. "That's not the POINT!" The voice yelled from behind a long, black curtain. "Haha. Then what is!?" Miku's giggles grew increasingly louder. "You could melt one of the fucking walls! God dammit!" 

The curtain moved a bit, and out from behind it came Christopher. "Whatevs." Miku sighed as she turned around on her heel, and left the room. "Oh good, you girls are finally here! Come this way, come this way! Behind this curtain!" Christopher beckoned for them to follow him, to which they did. 

Behind the curtain was Piko, Fukase, Oliver, and James. "There you are. I thought Chris buried you." Fukase annouced. "How? They couldn't have been gone for more than three minutes!" Piko titled his head. "There's alot you could do in three minuets."

"Hush you baffon! And allow me to introduce my self. Ahem- I am Christopher Pierre, the royal Distortionist. At your service." He bowed.

Flower reached into her pocket and pulled out the glowing blue stone

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Flower reached into her pocket and pulled out the glowing blue stone. "When did you-" (Reader) asked, a look of confusion plastered onto her face. "Unimportant. Christopher. We need you to make a Vorpal blade." Flower spoke coldly. Christopher took the stone from her and said, "the Vorpal blade is swift and keen. It goes snicker snack, and leaves foes dead in the blink of an eye. Whatever do you need it for."

"(Reader) and Oliver need to drink the blood of the Jabberwocky in order to return to London. So we need to get to the White Palace, which is a rather dangerous journey. There for, we need a good weapon." Flower answered. "Ah~ I see. It's been awhile since someone fell down the Rabbit Hole, hasn't it. Flower.

Author's note
Yolo. So okay, long chapter. This was a long boi. But I needed to compensate for lost time. Sorry for how long this chapter took. Thanks for reading. Share, comment, and vote. Bye.

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