6.Calm Before The Storm

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Saanvi's POV:
Soon Saanvi reached the city of varanasi. Saanvi felt an overwhelming rush of emotions in her body. She has visited this place only once in her life, with her mother. She took a rickshaw to reach to her mother's old house. As she travelled through the city, she could hear her mother say- "Sanu this is my birth place, Varanasi. People also call it as- Kashi, Benares or Banaras. Some even call it the City of Temples. It is such a beautiful city Sanu."
Her mother's house was near the ghats along the river Ganga. She and her mother would everyday run to the ghats and sit by the Ganga and watch the temples.
'Yes! I will live here and start a new phase of my life.' - thought Saanvi.
Saanvi was an accomplished doctor. But she could not continue her practice of healing anymore as she wanted to leave that life in the past. She will have to find a job soon as she can only survive a few days with the money she has.

 She will have to find a job soon as she can only survive a few days with the money she has

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3000 BC, Yudhisthir POV:
I am Yudhisthir, son of Kunti and god of Dharma. That's it. There is nothing more special about me other than this. I do not have Nakul's divine looks or Sahadeva's sharp intellect nor Arjuna's skilled archery or Bheem's super strength. Secretly, they all made me feel jealous sometimes. May be this is the reason that I was so eager to place them as bets in the dice game with Duryodhana.
[Note: There is no Draupadi as of now so no placing her in the bet.]
I wrongly asserted my rights on them as their elder. If only bhrata Karna were there. He would have stopped me.
Though in the end all my brothers were returned to me as we were still children and I was considered to have made a foolish mistake. But due to that incident, I lost my brothers' love for me. They still respected me and followed my every command but they no longer loved me. May be I was not meant for love.
Soon I will be crowned the king, But before that I need to find a wife. How cruel is my fate! This sacred bond of marriage will be based on the capabilities of the woman to be a queen rather than the capabilities of our love.

Precap- The tumble in the time is actually gonna happen in the next chapter!

Please tell me if you like my portrayal of Yudhisthir??

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