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It was still early morning and I, Miss Saanvi Mehta was already up, brushed and ready to work! Never in my life have I been up so early. But now everyday due to Amma's scoldings me and Lata have to wake up even before the god Surya rises and fetch water for the house.
Everybody was busy in their works and I as usual had nothing to do so I decided to walk to the nearby garden and read my book- the one I borrowed from prince Sehdev.
I was so lost in the book that i forgot to keep a watch of time. When I walked back home it was late afternoon.
But to my surprise there was nobody in the house. I looked for amma, Baba and Lata everywhere but the whole house was empty.
Suddenly Lata came in running.

"Where were you the whole day Devi?"- she asked.

"I was in The garden reading my book. but why is nobody home?"- I asked.

We all went to Ram kaka's house. Ram kaka is taking his last breaths. Baba and Amma are there only. Amma sent me to get you there as well."- replied

"What? But I saw Ram kaka today only. He was all well."- I asked.

"I do not know what happened but he is drowsy and has serious chest pain. Even Vaidhji does not know what happened!"- replied Lata.

Lata and I went to Ram kaka's place.
I, being a doctor in my era, was more curious than sad about Ram kaka's condition and as soon as I looked at Ram kaka I knew what had happened to him.
But I had to confirm my suspicions so I went near him and started slapping and pinching his cheeks lightly to wake him up.
Everybody was looking at me surprised. "Are O shameless girl! what are you doing to a dying man? Have you no manners?"- somebody said.

But I payed no heed to them and kept on with my work. As Ram kaka regained some consciousness I asked him-" Kaka did you fall somewhere before this happened?"
I had to repeat my sentence many times before he could register but soon he replied with a yes!
Now my suspicions were confirmed. I asked his wife for a knife and some alcohol. First they were reluctant to give me anything sharp but then agreed to do as I say. I poured alcohol on a part of his chest and knife and made a small deep cut with the knife on his chest. Immediately Ram kaka started struggling for air and everybody started praying as if it was his last minute on earth but in a minute all was normal. I closed the cut with some herbs from vaidhji and within half an hour Ram kaka was merrily eating food.

We all came back to our house and had dinner. I noticed everybody was staring at me with some looks I cannot name. Nobody was speaking much. Amma silently served us all. we silently ate the food and silently went to sleep.
Later I could not take it and asked lata-"Why is everyone behaving so weird?"
"Oho jiji! You have no idea? You saved Ram kaka's life! You are no less than a God to us. Such a learned lady among us is a blessing!"- replied Lata.
Oh now I get it. In this time medicine was not much evolved. They are all considering me a celebrity!! Wow I feel special!
Thinking this I went to sleep.

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