19.The killer

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'I do not clearly remember the events that followed post wolf-killing. My prince charming who was incredibly fit and handsome swept me off my feet and took me to the river.'- I wish this was what had happened.

But in reality, I got so scared seeing the wolf that I could not register my surroundings. I could only stare at the wolf in horror, Prince charming be damned!
The man who killed the wolf was snapping his fingers in front of me for god knows why? He then decided to give me slaps on my cheek. How dare that man! And the limits were crossed when he decided to throw a bucket full of water on me! And where did that water come from??

I snapped out of my reverie and shouted on him-"How dare you throw water on me Mister?"

"May be to save your mind from closing itself due to the shock of seeing this wolf."

It was then that I registered that I was saved! "Thank you god for saving me"- I folded my hands and closed my eyes praying to god.

"You do not have to call me god, my lady! I am just a warrior helping my people."- he said.

"You are an arrogant man! I wasn't thanking you. I was thanking the actual gods."

"Whatever. I do not have the whole day for your antics. Tell me why are you lurking in the woods when it is so dark?"

"Why should I tell you anything?"-came my clever reply.

"Okay then I am leaving. Good luck getting out of the forest. And you should know that wolfs hunt in packs so there must be some of his family still around."- That arrogant but handsome man said moving away from me.

"Arey okay wait. Will you show me the way to the river?"- I asked.
He looked at me and raised a perfectly sculptured eyebrow.
"Please, kind sir."- I added.

"This path is not safe. Come with me."- he said.
I immediately ran behind him.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"- he asked.

I blinked. "Oh my water-pots!"- I said and quickly got them up in my hands.

The man was again looking at me raising another of his perfect eyebrows.
"What now?"- I snapped.

"I meant you are forgetting a Thank you!"- he said.
I blushed hard and immediately looked down.
"Yes. Thank you for killing the wolf and saving me."

He and I silently walked through the forests.

But I was lost in my thoughts- " I should ask him what does he do! It will be nice of me to keep some potential husbands on the list for when Amma decides to marry me off. He must be a soldier in the palace judging by the thick muscles he has. Well his looks are an added bonus!"

"Huh? Did you say something?"- he asked.

Shite! Did I say that out loud?
"Nothing. I said nothing. Why will I say anything. Definitely not about you."

"By the way, I am prince Yudhisthir. Who are you? Are you new? I have never seen you around here."- he said.

"He is Prince Yudhisthir. He is the freaking CROWN PRINCE YUDHISTHIR!"- I screamed, mentally.
"Well there goes my hopes of having him as a husband!"- I took a deep sigh of disappointment.

Only later would I realize how wrong that disappointment was!

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