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In her excitement to tell karna, Saanvi bolted to the palace gardens but to her dismay, Karna wasn't present there.
"Where can he be? May be I should check the court hall."
She ran to the court hall bus alas! Karna wasn't even there.

Now she had only one last option.

In this patriarchal society, It was morally damaging for unmarried women to be seen near the male chambers. But she had no other option. She needed to find Karna.
Saanvi was dreading her steps towards Karna's rooms when she bumped (again!) into someone.

Saanvi was thrown out-of-the-way due to the forces of the collision whereas the other person was almost unaffected.
'What is it with these palace people and their bodies? What do they eat in their diets? Everybody is so tall and big and rigid like boulders!'

Saanvi looked up to find Prince Arjuna staring at her with amusement.
Saanvi glared back.
Arjuna's smile turned into a full-blown laughter.
Saanvi got up trying to push the dirt off her clothes (As if there were any on those velvety floors).
" Where are you going in such a hurry prince Arjuna?"- Saanvi asked.

"I heard that Maata Kunti has invited Subhadra to stay here for few days to keep company to some new member in the palace. So, I was going to check on the arrangements for her."

"Hmm! Any guesses on who might be the new member?" -Saanvi asked wriggling her eyebrows.
"Well I did not give that a thought."
"Ofcourse. You were so preoccupied with Subhadra's arrival that you had no knowledge of other things."- Saanvi replied sullenly.
"What? Why would I be preoccupied with Subhadra?"-Arjun retaliated.
"You weren't? I thought you like her as I saw you making sweet faces at her."
"No. You must have been mistaken!"
"Oh! Then as Subhadra's friend, maybe I should be the one to break her heart by telling her that you do not like her!"
"What do you mean Saanvi?"
"Nothing. Just that she might have mentioned that she had a little crush on you."- Saanvi said animatedly.
"You aren't making fun of me. Are you?"
"Why would I, prince Arjuna?"
"Did she really say she likes me?"
"Why should I tell you? You don't like her. Then why are you so worried?"
"Yes I like her. please Saanvi tell me what she said?"- Arjuna pleaded.
"I am not betraying her!"
"I will do anything!"
"Then tell me where is Prince Karna?"
"Down in the armoury, practising."
"And.. And prince Yudhisthir?"
"He is not in the palace. He and Draupadi Bhabhishri have gone for a hunt in the forests."
"So, I got to go."- saying this Saanvi turned back on her feet and rushed out of that place towards the armoury.
"But You promised Saanvi."- Arjuna yelled behind her.
"Take my advice and go ask her this question Yourself!"- Saanvi yelled back.

At the Armoury:
Saanvi pushed through the wooden gates inside into the armoury.
Thousands of weapons decorated its walls.
She walked further inside to enter the practice arena. It was a vast ground encircled by bleachers just like a football stadium of her time with two gates across from each other.
But Alas! it was empty.
"Where the hell is Karna?"
Saanvi walked around the circular footpath between the stands and the ground to reach across the arena.
She entered through the other gate.
She heard a slashing noise of a sword.
"So this is where you are hiding."
Saanvi moved towards the sword noises till she reached a curtain covering the entrance of another room.
"Gosh! This place is like a maze."
Saanvi pushed a little of the curtain to one side to peek inside the room.
There, with his back to Saanvi, was Karna, Sharping his swordsmen skills.
Saanvi was about to call his name when Karna suddenly moved to the side slashing his imaginary enemies. He flipped again and slashed some more of his enemies.
Though Saanvi was not a fan of action movies, her eyes were still glued to the scene playing before her eyes.
Karna, completely topless, with sweat running down his body was exhibitioning his rippling muscles. It was a sight for sore eyes.
Looking closely, Saanvi could make out a few odd-looking marks on his back. Those looked like the imprint abrasions of a thick rope.
"I do not think it is a good idea to disturb him now. May be I will come later."
Saanvi closed the curtains and turned back to exit the room when she bumped against someone(Again!!).
Or something. It was a body armour whom Saanvi just beheaded!
Saanvi had only taken a breath of relief when she felt herself being pushed forcefully forwards.
In the blink of an eye, she was pressed flat to the wall in front of her with a sharp sword on her neck.

Saanvi: To all the dear readers, if you are liking my story so far, please Comment, Vote and Share it on your profiles to promote us.

Karna: If you want more of Karna-Saanvi (which I want too) do promote us. Don't let out love story end before it even begins.

Yudhisthir: I promise I will come back if you do as the above two say.

Draupadi: Arya Yudhisthir!!

##Guys I have a bonus chapter planned on completing 1000 Votes. So do Vote!! And the next chapter will be up!!

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