29.The Cell

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Slowly two weeks passed.
A news came that the battle was over and Rajkumar Yudhisthir won. But he returned the enemy kingdom to the original king, and was now staying at their kingdom as a guest for a few days.
Eveybody was happy at the prospect of winning the battle.

Meanwhile, Saanvi got the necessary materials required to build a solar charger. She began her invention and soon a device that used the sun's rays to generate electricity, was ready.
For the first time in months, she charged her cell phone and switched it on. She was so excited at the prospect that she decided to show it off to her current best friend.

On the palace gardens:
Saanvi was early for their daily meeting at the gardens. She wanted to surprise Karna today. She took her place on the soft grass in such a way that when karna enters the garden, he would face her back and not her front. She kept her cell phone near her. She waited for Karna's arrival.
As soon as she heard Karna's footsteps, she played her favourite song on her cell.

Karna entered the gardens. He was surprised to see Saanvi already sitting there as she often arrived after him. He took a step forward towards her when out of nowhere he heard a music. He looked around wildly. The sound seemed to be coming from Saanvi. But how? There were no instruments present. And hiw come she can play so many instruments simultaneously. Moreover, the music was not the kind that they usually hear.
He walked towards saanvi cautiously. He sat on his usual place. He looked around him everywhere but no instruments were present. But he was sure that the music was coming from Saanvi.
"Where is this music coming from?"- he asked.
"Do you like it? I picked it for you especially."- said Saanvi
"Yes, I like it. It soothes me. But tell me how is it coming from you?"
Saanvi laughed. "It is not coming from me silly."
She then revealed her cell phone to him. It's coming from here.
"This wierd looking small box?"- he asked.
"Stop fooling around Saanvi. Tell me how can you make this music? Do you have some divine powers?"- he asked again.
"The prospect of music coming from a box is weird to you but me having divine powers is not? I can't believe you Karna!"- Saanvi replied.
She then proceeded to explain a 'cell phone'. It took her two hours to make karna believe that something like that exists.
"So you can pretty much do everything on it! It's awesome."- Karna exclaimed.
Karna seemed lost for a few moments and later said- "If it is no problem, Will you show me those moving pictures one more time?"
Saanvi laughed and they both spent a few more hours watching 'The Cell Phone'

Three weeks passed.
Maata kunti was now vigorously searching for Karna's bride. she wanted karna to be married as soon as possible so that she can then fulfill the prophecy and marry Saanvi to Yudhisthir(As elder brother gets married first.)

Four weeks passed.
And it was announced that Prince Yudhisthir was returning.

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