44.Moving pictures

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Karna was very depressed in the upcoming days. He would neither eat properly nor sleep.
Saanvi was tired of seeing him so gloomy.
She understood his pain but now it was high time that he cheers up.
Saanvi made a plan.
She decided to make Karna fall in love.
Not with herself, But with moving pictures.

After the dinner was over, Saanvi called Karna to their favorite place in the palace- The gardens.
With the hell of Vaani and Siya, she managed to transform a little corner into a makeshift tent lightened up with lamps. She placed a few cushions all over for them to be comfortable.
She even snuck a few snacks from the kitchen. She charged her phone full and now waited for Karna.
But Karna did not arrive.
Saanvi upset with the news, sent Vaani and siya to fetch him from his room. She specifically ordered them to use force or take help from the guards, if necessary.
Later, Saanvi was informed that though karna put up a good fight, he ultimately surrendered.

Later, Saanvi was informed that though karna put up a good fight, he ultimately surrendered

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So here they were sitting cozily inside the tent.
"What am I doing here Saanvi?"
"We. My dear Karna, We are going to watch a movie."
"Yes. You remember those moving pictures?"
"So what we are seeing now is an extended version of the short clip you saw earlier. This moving picture has a story. There are actors and actresses that work in it and show us a story."
"What do you mean they work in it? Do they go inside this box?"
"No silly. They are shot by a camera. You remember that flip book in which we draw a little picture on each page and when we flip it in speed, it appears to be moving?"
"Ohh yes."
"Similarly, This is a lot of pictures moving in speed."
Now Karna was surely excited.
"So shall we start?"
"Yes please."
And this was how, Karna's one of the most amazing nights of his life started.

The movie began with a little boy waking up, his cousin bullying him, and his cruel aunt and uncle. As Karna could not understand the language Saanvi muted the movie and instead was now imitating all the dialogues herself.
By the time the movie ended, Saanvi was exhausted.
"Wow! I would love to live in a city with such creations. No doubt we cannot find your city. If it can make moving pictures, I am sure it made something to keep it hidden."
Saanvi only smiled at Karna's excitement.
"You said there was a part 2 as well. Can we watch it now?"
Saanvi laughed.
"No we cannot. I promise we will watch it soon."- Saanvi yawned suddenly.

"Right. Sorry you must be tired. Let me take you back to your room."
"Nah. I think I will just crash here."-Saanvi plopped herself back on the cushions.

"Here? In the garden? It is not safe here."-Karna argued.
"I am too tired to go back now."
"What if somebody harms you here? There is a reason why we have chambers and not sleep in the gardens."
"In that case, you can stay with me to watch guard. After the amazing movie I showed you, I think you won't disagree. Will you?"

"Are you blackmailing me?"
"Umm..May be."
"What if i disagree?"
"No more movies."

"Real cruel Saanvi."- karna huffed.
"Okay then goodnight."- And Saanvi was asleep in no time.

Karna tried to stay awake to be on the lookout for any danger but seeing Saanvi so cozily snuggled, he could not resist anymore and fell asleep beside her.

P.S: Any guesses on the movie?

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