39.Back To The Palace

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Since her first day here in this era, she has never felt so alone in this house as today.
Shanti maa was out, baba was at work and Lata was at her new home.
The lonely house only added to the pangs inside her heart.
Though she would prefer not to see Yudhisthir but she dearly missed her council, Karna, Dushala, Maa Kunti and a whole other lot.
But now more than ever, Shanti maa and baba needed her. How can she be selfish and leave them?
Saanvi half-heartedly finished today's chores.
Till the time Shanti maa came back home, Saanvi was mentally exhausted.
On seeing Shanti maa, Saanvi went to her, kept her head on her lap and began crying.
She sobbed for a long time.
Whatever was inside her, she took everything out.
Shantidevi kept caressing her head. She very well understood that Saanvi was feeling alone.
Saanvi sobbed for so long that, exhausted, she slept in Shanti maa's lap.

It was late evening by the time she woke up.
She went out of her room and to the kitchen as she was hungry as well.
Shanti maa served her dinner.
"Saanvi, I have a few bags for you which you can use."
"Bags? What for maa?"
"For packing your stuff."
Saanvi was shocked. 'Was shanti maa throwing her out of the house? But why will she do that? Where will I go?'
"Stop thinking nonsense. Yesterday Maharani Kunti offered you a permanent chamber in the palace, as you are the president of the women's council.
As you have various friends there, you will not feel alone. Now that even lata is not here, and your baba and I are constantly out, you are bound to get lonely here.
So pack your bags tonight as Maharani kunti will send for someone to pick you up tomorrow."
Saanvi sat gobsmacked.
She then got up and hugged Shanti maa.
"But will you two be alright without me and Lata?"- She asked.
"We will be happier than ever!"- Shaantidevi laughed.

The next morning, Saanvi was ready to embark on her new journey.
Her friend Dushala, backed by a few guards, came to pick her up.
Maata Kunti was waiting for her at the palace gates. She welcomed Saanvi and took her to her new chamber.
The chamber was more like a whole flat back at her era. A living room with high windows, a separate bedroom and a bathroom with a pool sized bathtub. Her room lacked a study as women in that era had no use of a study so Saanvi decided to utilize a part of her big living room as her study.
She was really impressed with the room.
Also, to help her around, two daasis were appointed to her personally- Vaani and Siya.
Now she only had one query. She decided to ask maata kunti.
"Maa Kunti, Umm..I wanted to ask you that..In my time..I mean the place where I lived earlier we had some different clothes. Those clothes do not suit our hastinapur but I am really comfortable in them so i was wondering if I can wear those in my room at night. I promise nobody will see me in them."
Maata Kunti agreed to Saanvi's puppy eyes.
"But always remember Saanvi that a women's real jewel is her dignity. So never put yourself in a situation that endangers your dignity."
Soon Kunti Maa left her room to allow her to rest.
Saanvi quickly unpacked what little she had and left her room for the palace garden where she was sure to find Karna to tell him of this surprise.

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