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A/N: First of all, How is the new cover??
and secondly, 1k views Yayy!! Thank you everybody<3
Imp: I have changed Yudhisthir's plot a little in the chapter- Calm before the storm. Please do check it.

The next day, Saanvi's POV:
I do not know if it was good or bad but I was now officially an overnight commoner turned celebrity. It felt as if everybody was talking only about me. Wherever I went people vacated their space to make way for me. Some were bringing special dishes for me. But there were those who came to me with hopes of being cured.
If it was my era, maybe I could have helped them but now due to lack of medications I could not do anything. So I decided to join the local vaidhji to work with him and probably make some medicines, though I had little knowledge in Ayurveda. May be I can borrow the ancient Ayurveda texts and read them. I can get them from vaidhji or may be prince Sehdev.

Anyway, I also had some more reasons to visit the palace.
Firstly I have to return the Arthashashtra. Secondly I have to borrow the Ayurveda texts. and Thirdly, I have been officially summoned from the palace for my little stunt yesterday!

So I got all ready in my best dress[as ordered by Amma] and some guards came to take me to the palace so that I do not lose my way.
May be I was a little apprehensive judging by how loudly my heart was beating. It wasn't a big deal as I had already been to the palace once, but I had this gut feeling that something was gonna happen today. Something life changing!

At the palace this morning:
"Maharani-sa! The girl has come!"

"Which girl are you talking about Durga?"

Durga is Maharani Kunti's prime maiden and her spy. "Maharani-sa the one Shri Govind told you about. That day when Shri Govind visited you, you asked me to keep my ears open to hear about a girl who will come from an unknown place, will be the most literate of the women and will save a commoner's life!"

"The prophecy girl! How can you be sure that she is the one Durga?"

"Maharani-sa I heard prince Sehdev telling the other princes about a lady he met who could read. Then I put my spies after her. I learnt that she was found floating in the river by a commoner Shantidevi. Also this news came today that she saved a farmer's life yesterday."

"Finally that girl is here. The one who will change my son's life! Call her to the palace Durga."

"Yes Maharani-sa. She will be arriving today."

P.S.- please note- Kunti did not specify which son!

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