60. Epilouge 2

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"The river is too angry today." - Saanvi stated.

"It is the high tide today but I doubt the waves has ever gone this high.

I must get some more guards stationed here today. We have had many deaths in the past by drowning in high tides."- Karna remarked.

"I need to go a little in to fill this vessel."- Saanvi said.

"No! Let me go in. The water is too risky today."- Karna said.

"No, it has to he filled by me. The mother's womb gets blessed or something. Kunti maa told me."-Saanvi argued.

"Stop being foolish. Give me the pot."

"Please karna, Let me go."


"Nothing will happen. And even if something happens, you can pull me up in an instant right."-Saanvi pleaded.

Karna reluctantly agreed.
He was keeping a close watch on Saanvi.

Saanvi entered the depths of the Ganges and bent low to fill the pot.

The pot was full and Saanvi was now returning.

Everything was okay.

Karna's eyes were relieved.

But suddenly there was a commotion.

Another elderly woman, probably filling water herself, slipped in the river.

Karna looked at Saanvi. 

"I am okay. I am just coming back. You go help her."

Karna rushed to the old lady's help. 

Saanvi saw karna pull the woman out safely and the other villagers helped.

Karna looked back from the scene at Saanvi. 
She was walking to the shore with difficulty and was still in the depths.

In fact it seemed as even after Saanvi's efforts of walking ahead, she was actually being pulled back by the waves.

Karna panicked.

These were the waves of a Tsunami.

Karna made a move to come to Saanvi's aid.

But he was too late.

A large wave pulled Saanvi back with a jerk.

Her vessel fell in to the water.

She screamed.

Saanvi fell backwards.
She was pulled too strongly by the waves.

Karna rushed forwards to help Saanvi but he could not overpower a wave that hit him. 
Karna fell in to the ocean.

The struggle with the wave seemed to continue for several minutes.

And when he got back up on his feet, Saanvi was gone.

Dear Saanvi,

It has now been four months that you are missing. I have searched the whole of the ganges. From its start to its end. But could not find you. I have searched every village at the banks but no use.
I have started the search in the inner villages.

I will come and get you dear.
You do not fear.

I love you.

Forever yours,
Saanvi's head was pounding.
Someone was hammering inside her head.

She blinked her eyes open.
Her whole body was sore and aching.

Saanvi shivered.

She was wet.
Drenched from head to toe.

What had happened?

Ah yes! She drowned in the river.

Karna must have saved her.

She rose slowly from her place on the hard surface.

Why was she still lying on the shores?

Where was Karna?

She got up with difficulty.

She looked around her.

The surroundings seemed different.

May be she was somewhere else. In some other village along the banks.

She got up and walked away from the shore.

And then she heard it.

A sound she has not heard since ages. Noises that was a daily occurrence to her before her life changed.

She heard the honking of a car.

A car?

How can a car be in this time?

Saanvi walked faster.
She looked around her and slowly her fear seemed to surmount.
The buildings are different.

She ran up the stairs to reach the road.

The stairs are smoother and covered with tiles, unlike in Hastinapur.

She increased her pace even more.

And finally she reached the top of the stairs.

She could see in front of her eyes, tens of vehicles moving on plain roads.

She could see people dressed in those weird pants and shirts.

She could see that she was back in her time, at the same banks where she earlier drowned and had gone back in time to Karna.


Saanvi's heart ached.

She fell on her knees and screamed with all her might.


Saanvi returned back to the 21st centuary somehow.
While Karna is still waiting and searching for her.

This epilouge is for all those who want a sequel.

I may be tempted to write a sequel using this plot in future.

But for now, Tata-Byebye!

Good luck everybody.


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