11.Gold Coins

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Saanvi was soundly sleeping.
"What a comfy bed. I had such a good sleep after a long time."- she thought.
"Wait! Where did this bed come from?"- startled she woke up.
"Devi Saanvi, you have been advised to rest. please do not get up."- said one the women standing near her.
"Where am I?"- She asked in English.
"Ji I didn't get you."
"I mean what place is this? and where is Lata?"-she needed to sort this language problem soon.
"You are in the care of the Raj-Vaidhji. He is treating you for your injuries gotten from drowning in the river. And Lataji has gone to het you food."

Soon Lata arrives and feeds Saanvi some food.
Lata- "The Maharhaja has sent that Vishwa to prison and has gifted you a hundred gold coins for your bravery. It is not everyday that woman show such traits."
Saanvi could not reply anything as she was instead occupied by her suspicions of what this place could be.
'How could I have been so stupid to not notice this? These people do not speak English or Hindi. They do not know a place called Varanasi. They do not even know India. They call it Bharatdesh. They have no hospitals, no machinery. They are run by a monarch.I am very sure I have come back in time. and if the names of those kings were true then she was 5000 years back in time. Will it be wise to tell this to Lata?'- Saanvi thought.
"Lata can I tell you a secret?"- Asked Saanvi.
"of course!"- Said lata.
"I..I am from the future Lata. I am from 5000 years in the future!"- said Saanvi.
"Are you sure?"- asked Lata.
"Yes. Thank god you believe me."- Saanvi sighed in relief.
"Ofcourse I believe you Devi. Vaidhji told me already that you may have some delusions like this due to the water that got in your head. I must go and tell him that he was right. He might want to keep you here for a few more days.Vaidhji advised me to not disagree with you."- Said Lata.
'Oh My god! Lata thinks I hava delusions.No I do not want to stay here. I will go back with lata to her house. Atleast her mother considers me a daughter. They won't treat me badly.' Thought Saanvi.
"Haha..Haha..Oh Lata I was joking with you. Yiu are so naïve. I am all good see. No need to stay here. Let's go back to your house shall we?"- Said Saanvi to Lata.
"You are such a devil Saanvi. and I want to tell you that my home is your home too. Now come on let's go."- Lata replied.
Saanvi was very touched by Lata's words. People in this era are so good she thought and went with Lata to take vaidhji's leave and then go to Lata's home.

At Lata's House:
"Oh by the way Shaanti aunty, Can you tell me how much is 100 gold coins' worth?"- Saanvi asked Shantidevi.
"I do not know exactly but you can buy this whole house and more with it."- replied Shanti.
"Hmm in that case Shanti aunty I want you keep this 100 gold coins as a token of my stay here."-said Saanvi.
"No beta. I have called you my daughter. I cannot take this money from you."- Shaanti.
"If you think I am your daughter then is it not my right to give you my earnings?"- Saanvi.
"You are so kind-hearted Saanvi beta. But then I also have one condition."- Shanti.
"Yes tell me Shanti aunty."- said Saanvi.
"You will stop calling me this 'aunty' and call me 'Amma'.
"Okay amma. but you must also call me by the sweet name you gave me- Devi."
"Or better we can call you 'The mighty Devi-Saanvi."- Said lata with a laugh.

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