Chapter One

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It had been five years since the last time those now adults had set foot in college. Many of the students in that academic year at the country's most prestigious economics college were working in places they had always dreamed of; others had even started their own families. To celebrate and get back in touch, catch up with some good friends from the time of college when life was good and easy; when their only concern was to see who went to more parties, drank more and made it through the math classes the next morning, the student association of the time contacted the principal and some teachers to see if they could use the pavilion to make a meeting with all the courses. The universe playing to their advantage, everyone accepted and gave permission. Quickly, each course leader contacted their former classmates to indicate the day and time; the location was already well known to everyone.

They still remembered almost everyone what their graduation had been like. The pavilion was full of chairs, the stage had red curtains and the room was decorated with balloons and among other decorations. Everyone sat next to their friends and colleagues waiting to hear their name to get up and go on stage to receive their diploma so that at the end they could hug their families and celebrate, because the next day they had to start thinking about what they would do with their lives. There were plenty of names of students who left that college who were now among the best and most recognized in their professions. It was no surprise that it was the best economics college in the country. Only the best ones got in and it was expensive.

The annoyed little black-haired girl sighs deeply, wearing her oversized black blazer over her black dress that fits her perfectly in the right places. Grabbing her little shoulder bag, Eireen left home. It was the day of the course meeting and she still didn't understand why the hell there was even one. Wasn't that supposed to be for classes with more 20 years? She almost every day saw people from her class and her best friend. They didn't even give her time to miss them to the point where she felt the need to go to a meeting to see people again. The girl drove to the venue and parked in a parking lot nearby. She got out of the car, closing the door and locking it while she kept the key in her purse and kept murmuring under her breath how she didn't want to be there but had already promised her friends that she would go.

When she arrives at the college pavilion, she sees the doors open, the lights on, people coming in and out with a tag glued to their chest with their names. The tags were white with a ribbon on the top of them in different colors, apparently that was what divided the old classes. The girl rolled her eyes and still tried to run away from those who were handing out tags as she walked in a rush, but without success; when she looked ahead she had a tall boy with short hair who was with a smile from ear to ear cheerful with tags in one hand and a black sharpie in the other.

"I remember you, but you'll need to fresh up my memory." He started, excited. "What's your name?"

"Alzheimer's? So young?" Eireen raised an eyebrow at him, sighing. "I'm Eireen Rothchild."

"I saw a lot of pretty ladies, sometimes I need some help with names." The boy jokes with the girl, winking. Eireen made a face. Judging him. "What's your major?"

"Financial Management." Eireen answered bitterly. "Is this really necessary?"

"Yes it is, just so people know who's who." He answered by taking off the tag and sticking it on her black blazer with a grin.

"It's only been five years, they all still have the same face." Eireen pointed out. "It's not hard to know who's who."

"Now I understand why you didn't bring a date." He said with sarcasm dripping from his voice. Eireen scoffed as she rolled her eyes and left him standing there.

The girl finally entered the pavilion, seeing several people in groups talking with cups of cardboard in their hands, and others dancing; several tables with drinks and some snacks, music at the right volume. Not too low, not too loud. The girl rubbed her arm looking around for those who used to be in her class. She saw several people from Digital Marketing, MBA, Administration and Management, International Business, among others, until she finally laid her eyes on a boy who was on his back; tall with black undercut, black blazer and black pants, with his arm around the waist of a blonde girl, also tall, with a set of dark grey coat and shorts with white stripes. Kai and Azra. Accompanied by Astrid, and Sungjin... And Doyoon. Eireen sighed deeply and approached them. As soon as Azra and Astrid putted their eyes on the little girl they quickly let go of their boyfriends and wrapped their arms around her. Azra almost every day saw Eireen on a daily basis because she worked for the same company as Kai, but she was excited because the girl had ended up showing up at the meeting.

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