Chapter Twenty-Seven

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It was just another normal day in the company, too much work, it would run, but best of all, the numbers kept rising and everyone was happy about it. Mr. Park had congratulated everyone and everyone was already starting to debate what the next product would be. Sehun and his marketing team were beginning to mentally prepare for the months that would come with a lot of work and as time went on and results improved, the man refused to have a single mistake or failure in the projects he had to do. He wanted things to be perfect, as they should be, but as time went on he became more and more ambitious and perfectionist, he also began to be more demanding of his team in terms of results, but never without disrespect or treating anyone badly. The whole team enjoyed having Sehun as their manager and that made things much easier for the whole department. It was essential for everyone to have a good relationship. 

On the floor below, Kai was training interns and helping them in what he could, he had little to do lately. Most days he would leave early and pick Azra up from work to accompany the girl on her appointments until the girl finally got her maternity leave and then Kai started picking her up at home. He would do anything to make his girlfriend comfortable and help as much as he could. He made a point of being included in everything and being present in everything, even when Azra said it wasn't necessary and didn't mind going alone. He always refused. He would go to work early on days when he had more paperwork to see so he could get out early or he would just take everything home and finish dinner. 

In the last few weeks, Eireen had gone back to a lot of work. She had no time to eat, and when she did she barely managed to enjoy it and her coffee was cold again. Her head couldn't focus on anything but work, everything she had to do, the thousand meetings she had scheduled, and the presentations she had to make. The businessmen had returned, Eireen had two more meetings with them and Mr. Park. Again they failed to come to an agreement, the girl was always against the suggestions of a certain man. He never brought anything beneficial to the company and she refused to let Mr. Park throw himself headlong into a deal that had everything to go wrong. 

Walking down the halls of the company with a short-sleeved wide shirt, tucked into her pants with her buttons open to the middle, her hands in the pockets of her black pants, with her secretary at her side, the two of them returned to her office after Jiwon had pulled the girl almost by force from the office to go to lunch and she was distracted before the meeting they were to have at the end of the day. They had been busy to the point that if Sehun had shown up ten times a day in her office before, he would now show up three times maximum. And it was also rare the day outside that building they were together. If Eireen had time, Sehun didn't. If Sehun had time, Eireen didn't. And that was bothering Sehun. Eireen entered her office, leaving Jiwon behind who sat at her desk. The girl walked to her desk and dropped her body on the chair, crossing her legs. With the one on the floor, Eireen spun her chair from side to side as she passed her fingertips over the portfolio in front of her. It was the penultimate meeting with those businessmen and it was important. She looked at her wristwatch and saw the time and there was still half an hour left. Eireen sighed deeply and tilted her head back until she heard a knock on the door. She lowered her head and looked at the door, waiting for it to open to see who it was. The door opened.  

"I know you're busy, I just came to check up on you." Sehun said as he entered the room with a black shirt with his sleeves rolled up and approached the desk.

"You're lucky you showed up on the only free five minutes I have per day." Eireen giggled and got up from the chair, going around the table and leaning against it.

"Great. I won't take much of your precious five minutes, I promise."

"I don't mind if it's you." Eireen said with a grin. 

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