Ch.8 Knowing

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For the next 5 days, Giyuu and Y/n focused on Y/n's healing and getting to know each other better.

Y/n found Giyuu to be nothing like the rumors that surrounded the Water Hashira.

He cared very deeply for his family and friends. Y/n also learned that he was associated with the Cloud Haori she saw at the Final Selection.

Giyuu learned that Y/n had a talent for hiding her emotions, just like himself.
Her Breath Technique was also the first of it's kind to be tested in the Final Selection, which made her a candidate for a higher rank, especially since she was able to maintain Total Concentration.

It was on the fifth day that Giyuu had been told a secret which Y/n was hesitant to tell Giyuu about.

Y/n had been sitting on her hospital bed, her eyes filled with worry.

Giyuu was standing next to her bed.

"I have something to tell you. You may not believe because it might've been impossible, but I assure you it's true."

Giyuu's face twisted with worry as he got closer to Y/n.
"Is something wrong?"

"I'm not who you think I am."

Giyuu grabbed her shoulders in a motion to get her attention, but now that he had her undivided attention, he couldn't find any words.



He sighed.
"Please don't worry too much."

"Tomioka-San this is above worrying. I stress about this very thing."

He stood silent, still holding Y/n's shoulders and maintaining eye contact.

"Tomioka-San, I'm only half human."

Y/n felt her mask breaking and her body trembling.
No one else but her father knew of this.

Giyuu felt her body tremble in his arms, not knowing what to say or do.


She pushed his arms away, distancing herself.
"I'm sorry. You must be disgusted. Especially as a Slayer."
Giyuu knew exactly what Y/n meant.

She was Half human and Half Demon.

Of course Giyuu would be surprised. A situation like this was never heard of.

He was about to reach out to her once again until-

"Attention! Y/n Fuyu is to be taken into custody and brought to headquarters!"

A kasugai crow flew into the room.
Giyuu and Y/n stared at each other for a moment and Shinobu walked into the room.

"Already got into trouble, did we?"


Y/n was all healed up and dressed when the three slayers began their run towards headquarters.

"So, Y/n, I wonder why the master wants you in custody."
She smiled at Y/n, but she remained silent, her mask back on.

"Leave her alone, Shinobu."
Giyuu kept looking forward, still trying to process Y/n's words.

They arrived at their destination in no time, meeting all the other Hashira's in front of a building.

"Who is Y/n Fuyu anyway?"
The snake pillar sat on a branch in a tree.

All the Hashira's looked in the direction of the trio as they walked towards the building.

"Don't worry Y/n-Chan, the other hashira cannot hurt you."
Shinobu smiled at her and Y/n only looked before standing beside Giyuu.

"You must be the flamboyant Y/n Fuyu."
The sound pillar walked towards the girl and Giyuu visibly tensed.

The hashira noticed this, yet kept walking in Y/n's direction and stopped right in front of her.
"You seem very flamboyant. Do you use a flamboyant breathing technique?"

"Breath of Frost."
Y/n looked up at the Sound pillar with her Icy blue and E/c eyes.

"That sounds very flamboyant indeed."
He placed a hand on one of his swords' hilt.

"Show me"

Giyuu grabbed the sound pillars' shoulder.
"She doesn't need to do anything."

His face was visibly angry and the Sound Pillar looked surprised.
"Ah. How very flamboyant of a face you have there."

"My, my, Tomioka-San. You need to control yourself. Y/n-Chan may be your fate, but please do not make so much of a racket."

Shinobu separated the Sound and Water pillar and the rest of the hashira were dead silent.

"So this girl is Tomioka's fate?"
The wind pillar stepped up next.

"I heard she uses a unique breath technique."
The Snake pillar still sat on the same branch.

"Her eyes are very flamboyant. Just like Obanai."
The sound pillar spoke again.

While they all talked amongst themselves, Y/n was thinking about a new breath style.
Giyuu walked up to her.
"I'm sorry Y/n. Please hold on for a little while longer."

"I can do that."
Y/n tried to smile, but she couldn't bring herself to. Not in the situation she was in.

Suddenly a man stepped out of the building, along with the twins from the Final Selection.

All of the hashira immediately bowed respectively, Y/n followed their lead, not wanting to be disrespectful in any way.

"Great of you to come, my beloved children"

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