Day 1 - Pining - Treebros

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We're gonna hope I can stay on top of this. I i can hardly turn my online school work in in time but it's fine. This is more fun.

Tw: none




They met in high school. It started much different then your typical love story.

Connor shut up. You pushed me and told me "fuck you". Don't make this seem quirky.

Let me tell the into to the story goddamn it-

A bi treeboi with crippling anxiety and depression. A gay emo stoner also with depression. They were so different yet so similar. They both wanted love.  They both wanted to be loved. They both wanted to feel like they had a reason to belong.

Connor what the fuck babe. Why. This sounds like a shitty fanfic. Did you write fanfic?

If and if I didn't write fanfic is completly irrelevant. What is important is that you can take over if this is so shitty. Salty motherfucker.

Look. I'm tired. Amazing. I can fix it.

One of them, the anxtious one was named Evan. The stoner was named Connor. The first time Evan really interacted with Connor he thought the other was the most attractive being in the entire universe.

Bullshit. You were scared of me and had a thing for my sister for like year.

Connor let me tell the story. I thought you were hot but scary.  You're making me sound bad-

Whatever let me put my thoughts in now.

Connor thought that Evan as rather cute. But he was never good with words and had anger issues. He did push Evan and told him fuck you that first day. But a save from a freak accident-

Freak accident my ass. It was a suicide attempt.

Shut the fuck up.

But a save from a freak accident the two grew closer. Evan did have a thing for Connor's sister for quite some time. Yet durring this time Connor's gayness reminemded him that Evan was cute and Connor was still gay.


Shit you really fucking tired


Take the coffee. Evan please take the coffee.

What 21 Chump Street bullshit-

Evan must have been the most oblivious child in the world.

Connor can still rembember the how everytime their eyes met he felt a spark of electricity. He can still remember how he could stare into Evan's eyes. How every small smile while giving his mouth with his hand while he giggled made him fall harder and faster. How everytime they would numb into each other while walking side by side in the hallway would make him feel better than any high from any drug he'd ever tried.

It was an amazing set of emotions and sensations that he was both scared of and ready to embrace. But there was one thing holding him back.

Evan didn't see him that way...

Awwwwww! Baby! That's like, ahhhhhh! This is why I love you.

Shut uuuuuuuuuuupppp...

Anyway my turn.

Evan's interest in Connor's sister was short lived. After like 2 months he had noticed how hot Connor was again.

The first time the thought came up he shoved it down because he was in his "I'm gay and in denial" phase. (He ended up being bi but it doesn't matter.)

He still remembers how pretty Connor's eyes were. And how when they were sitting on the flat roof if Connor's house how the light would hit him in the right way so his dark hair looked almost dirty blonde and how he seemed to glow. Evan would have loved to just play with Connor's hair.

Who's writing the cheese fanfic now huh?

Oh shut the fuck up.

No it's cute. You're cute. But like. Fanfic who?

You be trina flirt with me to get me to ignore the roasts?


Fuck you ment in the most loving way possible.

Anyways eventually Connor and Evan got together and are happy now. Their days of pinning behind them.

Holy shit that was cheesy.

It's 2 am. Can I sleep now?


Love you

Love you too


Guess who can't write pinning? Me.

Does this suck? Yes.

Is it 2 am on day 2? Yes. But I had school work to do. So...

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