Day 26 - Valentine's Day - Pinkberry

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I was so close to making this crack but cuteness it is.

tw none

also they aren't together yet.


"Hey, Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! Chloe! Chloe!" Brooke called after her in the hallway.

"Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke Brooke!" Chloe repeated in a similar fashion once Brooke had caught up to her.

"Hey, we should go to my house tonight," Brooke was fairly good at hiding the nervousness she felt. Tonight was the night.

"Why? Isn't Jake throwing a party?"

"He's been referring to it as a "small gathering" because he only invited the Squad."

"Ok, but why wouldn't we go?"

Brooke sighed in fake annoyance. "Do you really wanna sit there and watch the boys be gay with each other and probably start a food fight while Christine is going full mom mode and Jenna is trying to get her to chill out while we would sit there being depressed because we're the only single people in our friend group and the rest of our friends aren't because they're dating within our friend group?"

"Brooke breathe. I think the only other time I've heard you talk that fast is when you challenged Christine to a Guns and Ships battle."

Brooke laughed. "Ok, that was a bad choice. One does not simply musical challenge Christine Canigula. But my house?"

At this point, they'd made it to Chloe's car. "Get in bitch. We're ditching being the only single people in the gay fest that in the SQUIP Squad."

Brooke managed to keep conversation and act rather fine for most of the drive. She got more anxious as they got closer to her house and a little more showed. And then it spiked as they made their way to Brooke's bedroom.

"Ok, so I have something I wanna show you," Brooke sat down on her bed and grabbed her ukulele.

"Ooh sweet what song did you learn?"

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." Chloe playfully glared at Brooke who started to play.

"She said: there's nothing like your smile, sorta subtle and perfect and real," Chloe smiled and Brooke tried not to blush. "And she knew, whenever you get bored you scribble stars on the cuffs of your jeans. And she noticed that you still fill out the quizzes that they put in those teen magazines." Brooke couldn't help but smile. This was always one of Chloe's favorite musical songs.

(time skip brought to you by my now very urgent need to play If I Could Tell Her on my uke)

"If I could tell her! But what do you do when there's this great divide?"

Chloe just stole Zoe's part even though Brooke was gonna just do both herself. But for this part she just let Brooke sing both.

"She just seems so far away! And what do you do when the distance is too wide? It's like I don't know anything." Chloe noticed how much raw emotion Brooke was putting into that part. It wasn't just "I feel the emotions of the characters" it was "these lyrics are bringing out emotions in me". She was also strumming super hard and Chloe worried that she would snap the strings.

"And how do you say..." Brooke looked up from the paper where she had written the chords and looked at Chloe for the first time since the beginning of the song. 

"I love you?"

Brooke really hoped Chloe would catch on.

"I love you." 

Chloe could tell that this wasn't just Brooke singing the words to the song.

"I love you!"

She meant them.

"I love you..."

Chloe blushed. Brooke bit her lip and looked back down at the chords. She really didn't need to look at them the end was fairly easy but she just needed something to stare at that wasn't Chloe.

"But we're a million worlds apart."

Chloe stood up from the floor and sat down next to Brooke on the bed.

"And I don't know how I would even start if I could tell her. If I could..."

Bonus bitches

"Someone pls explain why you two missed out on my "let's get high in Michael's basement and just fucking vibe and be gay on the floor because other people are fucking each other or smth right now" gathering?" Jake loudly exclaimed as he sat down at their lunch table.

"Babe chill probably didn't want to be surrounded with the four of us being gay and Jen and Chris being gay too." Michael sat down next to Chloe.

"A painful reminder of the fact that they be single." Christine was being extra dramatic because "oh how tragic."


Everyone looked at the girls in question and then died when Chloe kissed Brooke.


Loop holes mother fuckers.

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