Day 3 - Amusement Park - Richjake

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Day 3. We be 3 for 3. Granted it's 11 pm. And I almost forgot to write this. Oops

tw: those goddamned swinging tower ride thingies where there are videos of the arm flying off

word count:

Em? Projecting? No. I would absolutely never (fAlSeHoOd).

Also pretend I wrote rich with a lisp. It's too much brain power for that right now.


When Jake had agreed to go with the squad to an amusement park he didn't think he would be in this situation. 

The one where he was staring up at the spinning death ride in line terrified. While all his friends are really excited. But in Jake's defence it was one of those spinny swingy motherfucker that there are videos of the arm flying off on the internet.

Yeah. Those motherfuckers.

No one had really noticed how Jake had been steadily going paler as they aproched the front if the line. Rich had been going on about some topic that wasn't important to Jake at the moment.

Rich had looked up at Jake waiting for a respnce to the question he asked. He notices that his boyfriend was sickeningly pale.

"Yo Jakey D you good fam?"

Jake's internal nervous rant was cut through by Rich's question. "Umm... Yeah. I'm fine " He lied, any thing but fine.

"I'm fine my ass. Are you ok for real?" Rich knew there was no way Jake was ok with a face that pale.

"I- umm..." Jake really didn't want to admit his fears. "No I'm not."

"You wanna sit this one out?"

"Umm, yeah actually."

Rich nodded and sorted the rest of the squad. "Yo fam Jake's not feeling too hot so we're gonna pass on this one." The others nodded and resumed whatever conversations were going on.

Rich grabbed Jake's hand and intertwined their fingers as they walked out of the line and to a nearby bench. As they sat down Rich noticed how more color returned to Jake's face as they got furter away from the spot in line where they once stood.

"It was the ride wasn't it?" Rich asked.after they sat down.

"Yeah," Jake awkward rubbed the back of his neck. "Those swingy motherfuckers scare the shit out of me."

"Fair. But know those fail videos are from the fairs where it's moving constantly and the shit doesn't get shitted right."

Jake laughed at his boyfriend's terminology. "Thanks for coming with me babe. Like I know you wanted to ride that death machine."

Rich started laughing. "You think I wanted to ride that? Pfft. Never. I was just going on because if the hype."

"Oh my god. This is why I love you." The two kissed with the sounds of Jeremy's high pitched pterodactyl screeches cutting thought the usual nose and screams of the park.


11:59 I'm not late.

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